I have these two dataframes that are examples of two different larger dataframes:
V1 V2 V3
4462 2010-03-20 0 A
4463 2010-03-21 0 A
4464 2010-03-22 0 A
4465 2010-03-23 0,7 A
4466 2010-03-24 8 A
X1 X2 X3
3670 2010-03-20 2.840747e+00 0.0000000
3671 2010-03-21 1.223321e+01 0.0000000
3672 2010-03-22 9.924097e-01 1.3000000
3673 2010-03-24 1.149400e+01 0.0000000
As you might have seen already the date: "2010-03-23" in column df2[,X1]
is missing in contrary to column df1[,V1]
However I still want to bind these date frames into a new date frame (df3
), e.g. as stated below according to date:
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
1 2010-03-20 0 A 2.840747e+00 0.0000000
2 2010-03-21 0 A 1.223321e+01 0.0000000
3 2010-03-22 0 A 9.924097e-01 1.3000000
4 2010-03-23 0,7 A NA NA
5 2010-03-24 8 A 1.149400e+01 0.0000000
I cannot get it to work with cbind
because of the different number of rows. Does anyone know how to do this? Help would be much appreciated!