I am currently trying to incorporate an open-source business-process-engine (Activiti) into another application from my company but I am uncertain how to do this in a distributed manner. The application shall use certain function of Activiti that can not be provided by itself.

In a previous step I got this running locally by just importing the required jars of Activiti into the application project in Eclipse and making my function calls in the project after importing the right packages.

The next level now aims at running the application independently in its own Tomcat server and own database and to call certain functions from Activiti which is startet in its own JVM as well via network. Up to now I found RMI to be (probably) the right tool for this kind of distributed computing but I am uncertain on where to run Activiti. Another Tomcat server? Even though Activiti is not intended to have any frontend but merely to provide the necessary classes and methods to perform some actions that are by intention not provided by our application? How is the setup practically?

Honestly, I have not fully dug through the documentation of Tomcat yet, but I would appreciate even a short answer whether or not I am on the right track.

EDIT: To put it into a single question: On which platform can I run Activiti in my case?




1 回答 1


是的,你绝对可以在独立的 Tomcat 服务器上运行 Activiti 引擎。然后,您可以使用 Activiti REST API与这个独立的 Activiti Engine 进行通信。
但是请注意,在这个独立的 Activiti Engine 上运行的所有进程都需要将所有使用的 java 委托或 spring bean 等与 Activiti Engine WAR 包一起部署。它们必须与 Activiti Engine 本身在同一个类加载器中。

于 2013-05-07T12:42:00.350 回答