我在我的应用程序上使用 curl 协议。
我论坛中的用户只允许在登录后将此应用程序扔到他在我的论坛中的帐户中使用此应用程序,但我在 php 方面遇到了密码检查问题。我认为我的 php 代码有问题,因为使用正确的用户名和密码我有这个错误:(用户名和/或密码不正确)。
// Database info
$MySQL_Host = "localhost";
$MySQL_User = "lol";
$MySQL_Pass = "lol2";
$MySQL_DB = "lol3";
$tbl_name = "mybb_users";
function ParsePost( )
$username = '';
$password = '';
$post = file_get_contents( "php://input" );
$post = str_replace( "&", " ", $post );
sscanf( $post, "%s %s", $username, $password );
return array( 'user' => $username,
'pass' => $password
function mysql_fetch_full_result_array( $result )
$table_result = array();
$r = 0;
if( $result === true )
return $result;
if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) == 0 )
return $result;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
$arr_row = array();
$c = 0;
while ( $c < mysql_num_fields( $result ) )
$col = mysql_fetch_field( $result, $c );
$arr_row[ $col -> name ] = $row[ $col -> name ];
$table_result[ $r ] = $arr_row;
return $table_result;
class DWAuth
var $keys;
function AddDWValue( $val )
$this->keys[] = $val;
function GetAuthString( )
$result = "";
foreach( $this->keys as $c )
$result .= $c."#";
return $result;
class DB
var $connection;
var $started;
function start()
global $MySQL_Host, $MySQL_User, $MySQL_Pass, $MySQL_DB;
$this->connection = mysql_connect("$MySQL_Host", "$MySQL_User", "$MySQL_Pass");
mysql_select_db("$MySQL_DB", $this->connection );
function query( $query )
$result = mysql_query( $query, $this->connection );
if( $result )
return mysql_fetch_full_result_array( $result );
return $result;
function end()
mysql_close( $this->connection );
function isStarted()
return $started;
class Login
function CheckLogin( $username, $password )
$db = new DB();
$query = "SELECT id, password, email FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='".$username."' AND password='".md5( $password )."';";
$result = $db->query( $query );
if( $result == false )
return false;
fwrite($fh, $result);
if( md5(md5($row['salt']).md5($password)) == $result[ 0 ][ 'password' ] )
return array( 'id' => $result[ 0 ][ 'id' ],
'mail' => $result[ 0 ][ 'email' ],
'user' => $username
$packet = new DWAuth();
$result = ParsePost();
if( ( empty( $result[ 'user' ] ) ) || ( empty( $result[ 'pass' ] ) ) )
$packet->AddDWValue( "fail" );
$packet->AddDWValue( "Username and/or password is empty." );
$packet->AddDWValue( 1 );
$packet->AddDWValue( "Anonymous" );
$packet->AddDWValue( "anonymous@example.com" );
$packet->AddDWValue( 0 );
echo $packet->GetAuthString();
$login = new Login();
$result = $login->CheckLogin( $result[ 'user' ], $result[ 'pass' ] );
if( $result == false )
$packet->AddDWValue( "fail" );
$packet->AddDWValue( "incorrect username and/or password." );
$packet->AddDWValue( 1 );
$packet->AddDWValue( "Anonymous" );
$packet->AddDWValue( "anonymous@example.com" );
$packet->AddDWValue( 0 );
$sessionID = md5( rand() );
// How to make the return
$packet->AddDWValue( "ok" ); // fail or ok
$packet->AddDWValue( "Success." ); // Success or error
$packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'id' ] ); // UserID
$packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'user' ] ); // Username
$packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'mail' ] ); // email
$packet->AddDWValue( $sessionID ); // sessionID
$db = new DB();
$query = "UPDATE users SET sid='".$sessionID."' WHERE id=".$result[ 'id' ];
$result = $db->query( $query );
echo $packet->GetAuthString();