public static class WebConfig
private static IList<SystemConfigs> sysconfkeys;
static WebConfig()
    sysconfkeys = systemconfigrep.GetAllSystemConfig();

private static string _SMTPPort = "";
public static string SMTPPort
        return _SMTPPort = sysconfkeys.FirstOrDefault(e => e.metakey == "SMTPPort") != null ? sysconfkeys.FirstOrDefault(e => e.metakey == "SMTPPort").metavalue : "25";

private static string _SMTPUsername = "";
public static string SMTPUsername
        return _SMTPUsername = sysconfkeys.FirstOrDefault(e => e.metakey == "SMTPUsername") != null ? sysconfkeys.FirstOrDefault(e => e.metakey == "SMTPUsername").metavalue : "";


i am using the system level variable in the above way all over my system in my views or controllers. how can i design my this class in such a way that after calling a method to execute a query i straight away call some property like this.

usage: webconfig.getallsystemconfig().LogicalPath;



1 回答 1


you could use extension methods to accomplish something like this:

public static class WebConfig
    private static IList<SystemConfigs> sysconfkeys;

    public static IList<SystemConfigs> Configs()
        return sysconfkeys ?? (sysconfkeys = systemconfigrep.GetAllSystemConfig());

    public static string SMTPPort(this IList<SystemConfigs> configs)
         return sysconfkeys.Any(e => e.metakey == "SMTPPort") ? sysconfkeys.FirstOrDefault(e => e.metakey == "SMTPPort").metavalue : "25";

You would use it like


if doesn't do the caching as in your example, but it should be a negligible loss anyway

于 2013-04-30T09:36:48.117 回答