是否可以为 listenTo 回调绑定函数参数?
// Basic marionette layout
var view = Marionette.Layout.extend({
initialize: function() {
// wrapping view logic inside a custom object
this.controller = new MyViewController();
// creates a sub view and adds event handlers
someFunc: function() {
var subView = new MySubView();
// HERE: how to bind args for callback?
this.listenTo(subView, "myEvent", this.myHandler, this);
// this is a dummy wrapper that I want to remove
myHandler: function(e) {
this.controller.handleIt(this, e);
someFunc: function() {
var subView = new MySubView();
// here wrapIt binds 'this' as first argument for handleIt
this.listenTo(subView, "myEvent",
wrapIt(this.controller.handleIt, this), this);