你好朋友我已经使用信号 R 开发了许多聊天应用程序,它工作得非常好。但是我在开发一件事时遇到了一个问题..例如向接收者输入消息:- 有两个用户在线用户 x 和用户 y.now 当用户 x 正在输入消息时..在用户 y 窗口上它应该出现..“用户 x 正在输入消息..”但是当我将此消息发送到组时,它会显示在两个屏幕上..我想仅在接收器屏幕上显示
public void Send(string message, string groupName, string Istypingmessage)
if (Clients != null)
string[] words = message.Split(':');
string trim = words[0].Trim();
string imagetag = "<img width=\"32px\" height=\"32px\" src=\"userimages/" + trim + ".jpg" + "\"" + "></img> ";
Clients.Group(groupName).addMessage(message, groupName, words[0], imagetag, Istypingmessage);
其中输入 message=0 表示正常消息,1 表示“用户 x 正在输入该消息”这是按键事件
//keypress event of textbbox here..
$(".ChatText").live('keyup', function () {
if($(".ChatText").val().length > 0)
var messsage_typing=$("#hdnUserName").val() + " is typing...";
var strGroupName = $(this).parent().attr('groupname');
if (typeof strGroupName !== 'undefined' && strGroupName !== false)
chat.server.send($("#hdnUserName").val() + ' : ' + messsage_typing, $(this).parent().attr('groupname'),"1");
//end of keypress
chat.client.addMessage = function (message, groupName,recievername,imagetag,Istypingmessage) {
if ($('div[groupname=' + groupName + ']').length == 0) {
var chatWindow = $("#divChatWindow").clone(true);
$(chatWindow).css('display', 'block');
$(chatWindow).attr('groupname', groupName);
//buggy code do not delete..
//remove all previous li
$('div[groupname=' + groupName + ']').find('ul li').remove();
//replace header tag with new name
$('div[groupname=' + groupName + ']').find('a').html(recievername);
var stringParts = message.split(":");
var username = stringParts[0];
var message = stringParts[1];
//this code is for continous message sent
var lastliusername=$('div[groupname=' + groupName + '] ul li').eq(-2).find('div.designnone').html();
if(lastliusername!=null && $.trim(username)==$.trim(lastliusername))
$('div[groupname=' + groupName + '] ul li').eq(-2).find('div.designmessage').append("<span class='spansameuser'>" + message + "</span>");
//end of this code is for continous message sent
$('div[groupname=' + groupName + ']').find('ul').append("<li><div class='design'>" + imagetag + "</div><div class='designnone'> " + username + "</div><div class='designmessage'> " + message + " </div></li><li class='cleardivbetweenmsg'></li>");
$('div[groupname=' + groupName + ']').find('ul').append("<li><span>Hellos</span></li>");