我试图将 scanf 中的名称放入一个数组中,但不知道它将在程序中的位置。我需要名称数组来根据名称大小和大小写字符为每张卡创建账单。


int createoutfilecard(int y)
    int spaceCounter; // The number of spaces we want to start with based on what level tree we are making
    int originalSpaceCounter; // We need to keep this for the end with the stem of the tree
    int spaceLoopCounter; // This is for our space control structure
    int spaceLoopCounter2; // This is just to have a different one for the end space control structure
    int treeLoopLevel = 0; // This is the level of tree we want to make
    int starNumber = 1; // This is the number of stars we need and we always start with 1
    int starLoopCounter; // This is the counter for the star loop structure
    int x; // Just a generic counter for the overall loop
    char word[50];
    int c;
    int b;
    int q;
    int p;
    char str[80];
    if (y== 1){

        printf("Enter the tree size: ");
        scanf("%d", &treeLoopLevel);
        //for i < total number of cards
        //loop through entire program
        //printf("invalid input");

        printf("Enter the number of cards: ");
        scanf("%d", &q);}
    for (p=1; p<=q; p++){

        if (treeLoopLevel>=1 && treeLoopLevel<=10){
            printf("Enter the recipient's name:     ");
            printf("invalid input");
            printf("Enter the tree size: ");
            scanf("%d", &x);}

        if (scanf(" %49s", &word)==1){
            printf("The file will be located at %s\n", str);
            outFile=fopen(str, "w");
            for (c=0; c<=79; c++){
            fprintf(outFile, "-");
            fprintf(outFile, "\n");
        while (b=0)
                fprintf(outFile, "\n                                                              \n");
                fprintf(outFile, "-        Happy Holidays %s                                                   -" , word);  

                spaceCounter = 39; //(treeLoopLevel * 2) + 1;  This is going to be our space counter limit for our loop further down
                originalSpaceCounter = spaceCounter - 1; // We will need the original number minus one for the trunk of the tree at the end

                fprintf(outFile, "\n");

                for(x = 1; x <= treeLoopLevel; x++) // Overall Loop

                    for(spaceLoopCounter = 1; spaceLoopCounter <= spaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter++) // This does our beginning spaces
                        if(spaceLoopCounter == 1) // We need to start with the minus only
                            fprintf(outFile, "-");
                        else // We need the rest to be spaces so any other condition then the first one is going to be a space
                            fprintf(outFile, " ");


                    for(starLoopCounter = 1; starLoopCounter <= starNumber; starLoopCounter++) // This is the star loop that only goes up to what starNumber is set to
                        fprintf(outFile, "*");

                    starNumber = starNumber + 2; // This is for incrementing the number of stars for our counter limiter for the star loop above

                    for(spaceLoopCounter2 = 1; spaceLoopCounter2 <= spaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter2++) // This is going to be for the right side so we have the right number of spaces
                        fprintf(outFile, " ");

                    fprintf(outFile, "-\n");
                    spaceCounter = spaceCounter - 1; // This modifies the space counter after it has been used on both sides for the next iteration of the overall loop

                fprintf(outFile, "-"); // Tree trunk line minus sign on the left

                for(spaceLoopCounter = 1; spaceLoopCounter <= originalSpaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter++) // Spaces for the tree trunk on the left
                    fprintf(outFile, " ");

                fprintf(outFile, "||"); // Tree Trunk

                for(spaceLoopCounter = 1; spaceLoopCounter <= originalSpaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter++) // Spaces for the tree trunk on the right
                    fprintf(outFile, " ");

                fprintf(outFile, "-\n"); // Tree trunk line minus sign on the right
                fprintf(outFile, "-"); // Tree trunk pot minus sign on the left

                for(spaceLoopCounter = 1; spaceLoopCounter <= originalSpaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter++) // Spaces for the tree trunk pot on the left
                    fprintf(outFile, " ");

                fprintf(outFile, "()");

                for(spaceLoopCounter = 1; spaceLoopCounter <= originalSpaceCounter; spaceLoopCounter++) // Spaces for the tree trunk pot on the right
                    fprintf(outFile, " ");

                fprintf(outFile, "-\n"); // Tree trunk line minus sign on the right


            fprintf(outFile, "\n");
            fprintf(outFile, "-"); //print left side

                fprintf(outFile, " "); //print spaces

            fprintf(outFile, "-"); //print right side

        fprintf(outFile, "\n");
        for (c =1; c <=80;c++) 
            fprintf(outFile, "-");


    return 0;

1 回答 1




static void print_card(FILE *outFile, const char *word, int treeLoopLevel);


static void createoutfilecard(int y)
    int treeLoopLevel = 0;
    char word[50];
    int q;
    int p;
    char str[80];
    if (y== 1)
        printf("Enter the tree size: ");
        scanf("%d", &treeLoopLevel);

        printf("Enter the number of cards: ");
        scanf("%d", &q);
    for (p=1; p<=q; p++)
        if (treeLoopLevel>=1 && treeLoopLevel<=10)
            printf("Enter the recipient's name:     ");
            printf("invalid input");
            printf("Enter the tree size: ");
            scanf("%d", &treeLoopLevel);    // Was using x!

        if (scanf(" %49s", word)==1)
            printf("The file will be located at %s\n", str);
            FILE *outFile=fopen(str, "w");
            if (outFile != 0)
                print_card(outFile, word, treeLoopLevel);

这里仍然存在问题。例如,如果程序无法创建(打开)文件,它会悄悄地忽略该问题。不过,这总比因为文件指针为空而崩溃要好。验证输入的代码复杂且不完整。在开始处理下一张卡片之前,不会验证第二次指定大小的尝试;如果尺寸错误,则不会提示输入名称。确实,如果不使用 调用代码y == 1,就会出现问题。我已将函数更改为返回void,因为返回的唯一值是 0,让调用者检查它没有意义。

从风格上讲,C 中的循环通常不应该写成:

for (p=1; p<=q; p++)

您通常应该使用从零计数到(但不包括)限制的惯用 C 约定:

for (p = 0; p < q; p++)



enum { MAX_CARDS = 20 };
enum { MAX_NAME_LEN = 50 };
char names[MAX_CARDS][MAX_NAME_LEN];
int  n_names = 0;

然后,在后面的代码中if (scanf("%s", word) == 1)(恭喜你检查了这个输入——scanf()不过,也应该检查 的其他用途),你可以这样写:

strcpy(names[n_names++], word);


请注意有关如何创建 SSCCE(简短、自包含、正确示例)的指南,并且不要在您提出问题的程序中包含太多无关材料。不是每个人都像我一样有耐心!

于 2013-04-30T04:26:48.857 回答