I am having trouble importing a project from git into eclipse as a Java project.

Existing questions say to import it from git, then modify the .project file to change it into a Java project. I was able to do that. But then you have to change the .classpath file. Most answers recommend doing this through eclipse instead of directly modifying the file. To do that they (and eclipse docs) say to go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path. I do not have the Java Build Path option under properties. I have Eclipse Juno.


2 回答 2


您似乎正在尝试导入非 Eclipse 项目。

  1. 创建一个新项目并给它起任何你想要的名字,比如“client abc”。如果您在工作区文件系统中已经有一个名为“client abc”的文件夹,那么将您的项目命名为“client abc 不管”之类的其他名称。
  2. 现在关闭 Eclipse 并打开资源管理器(如果您使用的是 Windows)
  3. 将“.buildpath”和“.project”文件以及“.metadata”文件夹从新项目文件夹(“client abc 不管”)拖到实际的客户端文件夹(“client abc”)中。现在只需删除“client abc whatever”文件夹。


于 2013-04-30T02:08:29.547 回答

确保您的项目是 Java 项目,而不仅仅是普通项目。尝试再次重新创建项目,选择File -> New ... -> Java Project.

于 2013-04-30T01:59:05.653 回答