According to the official FAQ, I can't use jQuery Cycle2 with its predecessor, jQuery Cycle plugin.

The problem is, I'm using this on Wordpress, and whenever I enable NextGen gallery, it enqueues the old Cycle plugin, which fails.

Is there a way to use both on the same page, or at least remove NextGen's Cycle and make a compatibility shim to make it use Cycle2?


1 回答 1


这很容易......只需将 Cycle2 源代码中的“循环”替换为 Cycle2 即可,使其可用于


就这么简单——我不明白为什么他们在网站上没有一个 cycle2 命名空间版本来兼容旧的循环。

于 2013-05-10T02:20:39.433 回答