
我不知道如何让事件起作用,它只输出 0。输出应如下所示:

列表: 2 1 0 1 0 1 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 0 0 4 0 1 3 2 出现 0:5 出现 1:4 出现 2:3 出现 3:4 出现 4:4

public class PEX6
    private static int CountValue
    (ListInterface<Integer> theList, int theValue)
        int nFound = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<=19; i++)
            if (theList.equals(theValue))
        return nFound;

    public static void main(String[] args)

        ListInterface<Integer> theList = new RefList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i <= 19; i++)
            int Random = ((int)(Math.random()*4));
                theList.add(new Integer(Random));


        int [] valueCount = new int[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                valueCount[i] = CountValue(theList, i);

            System.out.println("Occurrences of 0:"+ valueCount[0]);
            System.out.println("Occurrences of 1:"+ valueCount[1]);
            System.out.println("Occurrences of 2:"+ valueCount[2]);
            System.out.println("Occurrences of 3:"+ valueCount[3]);
            System.out.println("Occurrences of 4:"+ valueCount[4]);




class LLObjectNode<T>
    private LLObjectNode<T> link;
    private T info;

    public LLObjectNode ( T theInfo )
        info = theInfo;
        link = null;

    public void setInfo ( T theInfo )
        info = theInfo;

    public T getInfo()
        return info;

    public void setLink ( LLObjectNode<T> theLink )
        link = theLink;

    public LLObjectNode<T> getLink()
        return link;


 // Stores and manipulates collection of objects in accordance with ListInterface functionality:

 public class RefList<T> implements ListInterface<T>
    // Stores number of elements within list:

    protected int numElements;

     * Points to first node of list:
     * This variable will be set to null, when list is empty.

     protected LLObjectNode<T> first;

      * Used for iteration through list:
      * This variable will be set to null until call is made to reset() method,
      * at which this variable will point to first element of list:

      protected LLObjectNode<T> currentPos;

      // Used to locate elements on list:

      // Set to true if find (...) is successful:
      protected boolean found;

      // Points to the found element:
      protected LLObjectNode<T> location;

      // Points to element preceding the found element:
      protected LLObjectNode<T> previous;

       * Attempts to find element contained within list that exists as a copy
       * of the given object:
       * If find is successful, the found variable will be set to true, the location
       * variable will point to found element, and the previous variable will point to the
       * element preceding the found element, unless the found element is the first element of list.

       protected void find ( T theTarget )
            found = false;
            location = first;
            previous = null;

            while ( location != null )
                if ( location.getInfo().equals( theTarget ))
                    found = true;

                    previous = location;
                    location = location.getLink();

        // Creates empty list:

        public RefList()
            currentPos = null;
            first = null;
            numElements = 0;

        // Returns number of elements within list:

        public int size()
            return numElements;

        // Returns true if this list contains copy of given object:

        public boolean contains ( T theTarget )
            find( theTarget );
            return found;

        // Removes first element found in list that exists as copy of given
        // object and returns true  if such element was found:

        public boolean remove ( T theTarget )
            find( theTarget );

            if ( found )
                if ( location == first )
                    first = first.getLink();
                    previous.setLink( location.getLink());


        return found;

    // Returns reference to first element found within list that exists as copy
    // of given object or null if no such element was found:

    public T get ( T theTarget )
        find( theTarget );

        if ( found )
            return location.getInfo();
            return null;

    // Returns a nicely formatted string representation fo this list:

    public String toString()
        LLObjectNode node = first;
        StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer ( "List:" );

        while ( node != null )
            buff.append( " " + node.getInfo());
            node = node.getLink();

        return buff.toString();

    // Prints contents of this list to screen:

    public void writeLinkedList()
        System.out.println( toString());

    // Initializes this list for iteration:

    public void reset()
        currentPos = first;

     * Returns reference to element located at currentPos and increments currentPos
     * to point to next element contained within list:
     * If correntPos is pointing to last element in list, it will be reset to point to
     * first element in list.
     * @Preconditions:
     *      This list is not empty.
     *      This list has been reset.
     *      This list has not been modified since last reset.

     public T getNext()
        T next = currentPos.getInfo();

        if ( currentPos.getLink()== null )
            currentPos = first;
            currentPos = currentPos.getLink();

        return next;

     // Inserts given object onto front of list:

     public void add ( T theObject )
        LLObjectNode<T> node = new LLObjectNode<T> ( theObject);

        node.setLink( first );
        first = node;

public interface ListInterface<T>
    // Returns number of elements within list:

    int size();

    /* Returns tru if list contains a copy of given object:
     * Comparisons should be performed by calling the equals(...) method of
     * each element, passing the given object as an argument

    boolean contains ( T theObject);

     * Removes the first element found within this list that exists as a copy of
     * the given object and returns true if element was found:

    boolean remove ( T theObject);

     * Returns reference to first element found within this list that exists as a
     * copy of the given object or null if no such element was found:

    Object get ( T element);

    // Returns a nicely formatted string representation of this list:

    String toString();

    // Prints the contents of this list to screen:

    void writeLinkedList();

    // Initializes this list for iteration (use of the getNext() method):

    void reset();

     * Returns reference to the element located at the iterator's current
     * position and increment the iterator:
     * If iterator is currently pointing to the last element in this list,
     * the iterator should be reset to point to first element in list.
     * @Preconditions:
     *      This list is not empty.
     *      This list has been reset.
     *      This list has not been modified since last reset.

     T getNext();

     // Inserts the given object onto front of list:

     void add ( T theObject);

2 回答 2





if (theList.equals(theValue))


if (theList.getNext().equals(theValue))
// or
if (theList.getNext() == theValue)
于 2013-04-30T01:01:31.947 回答


if (theList.equals(theValue))

您不会将当前列表元素与 theValue 进行比较,而是将 theList 本身与它进行比较,这永远不会为真,因此 nFound 保持为 0。


element = theList.getNext();
if (element.equals(theValue))
于 2013-04-30T01:02:08.613 回答