
这可能是一个简单的解决方案,但基本上我使用 TCP 将二进制文件逐个发送到另一个程序并检查以确保校验和匹配有效性。问题是收到的校验和绝不是除了提交的最后一部分(其余部分)之外发送的校验和。


void* buffer = (void *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE+1);
if (!buffer)
  error("Error: malloc error for buffer.\n");
fread(buffer, BLOCKSIZE, 1, fp_read);  //read from binary file for the current block.
int checksum = checksum(buffer,BLOCKSIZE);
n = write(sockfd,buffer,BLOCKSIZE);
if (n < 0)
  error("ERROR writing to socket");


void* buffer = (void *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE+1);
if (!buffer)
  error("Error: malloc error for buffer.\n");
n = read(sockfd,buffer,BLOCKSIZE);
if (n < 0)
  error("Error: reading from socket.");
int checksum = checksumv(buffer,BLOCKSIZE);




FILE* fp_read = fopen("file.jpg", "rb");
if (fp_read == NULL)
  error("Cannot open the file for peer piece download.");

fseek(fp_read, 0, SEEK_END);
unsigned long fileLen = ftell(fp_read);
fseek(fp_read, 0, SEEK_SET);

int checksum, loops = fileLen / BLOCKSIZE;
int remainder = fileLen % BLOCKSIZE;
int segment_num = loops+1;

void* buffer4 = (void *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE+1);
    if (!buffer4)
      error("Error: malloc error for buffer.\n");

    int i, sent = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=loops; i++)
      fread(buffer4, BLOCKSIZE, 1, fp_read);
      checksum = checksumv(buffer4,BLOCKSIZE);

      n = write(sock,buffer4,BLOCKSIZE);
      if (n < 0)
        error("ERROR writing to socket");
    if (remainder > 0)
      //Allocate memory
      void* buffer5 = (void *)malloc(remainder+1);
      if (!buffer5)
        error("Error: malloc error for buffer2.\n");

      fread(buffer5, remainder, 1, fp_read);
      checksum = checksumv(buffer5,remainder);

      n = write(sock,buffer5,remainder);
      if (n < 0)
        error("ERROR writing to socket");

2 回答 2


When you are reading data:

n = read(sockfd,buffer,BLOCKSIZE);
if (n < 0)
  error("Error: reading from socket.");
int checksum = checksumv(buffer,BLOCKSIZE);

you need to respect the number of bytes that read() says it placed into buffer - it may read fewer than BLOCKSIZE number of bytes before returning.

Also, I don't see where the checksum is sent (or received) - I only see the file data being sent. How are you comparing checksums?

Finally, since TCP is a streaming protocol, you'll need to have some way to indicate to receiver when the file data is finished such as by sending the size ahead of the file data, or having some 'out of band' indication.

于 2013-04-30T06:31:42.917 回答


byte buffer[8192];
while ((count = fread(buffer, sizeof buffer, 1, fp)) > 0)
    n = write(sock,buffer4,count);
    if (n < 0)
      error("ERROR writing to socket");
    checksum += checksumv(buffer, count); // or possibly ^=, it depends how your checksum is supposed to accumulate
于 2013-04-30T06:14:06.933 回答