首先,您的 left-ptr 和 right-ptr 初始化程序不应该在循环内;他们需要在外部时间之前成为设置的一部分。您的函数序言应如下所示:
void quicksort(int *arry, size_t size)
if (size <= 1) // skip 1-length lists.
// since you're using a static pivot location,
// may as well use the one at the right end.
int *left = arry;
int *right = arry + (size-1);
// choose a pivot value. ideally a random trio is chosen, and the
// middle element of those three is selected. for this simple case
// we're using the element at the right-most location of the list
int piv = arry[size-1];
接下来是限制器,它最终阻止了你在 while 循环中的疯狂。传统上就是这样:
while (left < right)
一旦你的左指针赶上你的右指针(反之亦然),就不再需要继续循环了。请记住,left-ptr 左侧的所有值都已知小于(并且可能等于,但我们将在一分钟内到达)枢轴。同样,已知 right-ptr 右侧的所有值都大于枢轴。折叠枢轴窗口背后的想法是,在您有两个需要交换位置的项目之前,您永远不会真正交换。
//process left pointer for value larger than piv.
while((*left < piv) && (left < right))
//process right pointer for value smaller tham piv
while((*right > piv) && (right > left ))
什么。 *right
temp = *left;
*left = *right;
*right = temp;
然后循环继续。下一次围绕这两个循环将立即终止(因为它们都位于一个枢轴值上,它们将返回交换,再次切换它们,然后重复这个......永远。为了解决这个问题,这些指针之一必须包括枢轴作为允许的越过。此外,仅当 left-ptr 仍小于 right-ptr 时才交换。
// walk up until we find a value strictly larger than the pivot
while(left < right && (*left <= piv))
// walk down until we find a value smaller than the pivot
while (right > left && (*right > piv))
if (left < right)
swap(*left, *right);
// make sure left and right are properly ordered.
if (left > right)
// sort subslices
quicksort(arry, (left - arry));
quicksort(arry + (right - arry), size - (right - arry));
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// in-place quicksort.
void quicksort(int *arry, size_t size)
if (size <= 1)
// since you're using a static pivot location,
// may as well use the one at the right end.
int *left = arry;
int *right = arry + (size-1);
// choose a pivot value. ideally a random trio is chosen, and the
// middle element of those three is selected. for this simple case
// we're using the element at the right-most location of the list
int piv = arry[size-1];
while(left < right)
// walk up until we find a value strictly larger than the pivot
while(left < right && (*left <= piv))
// walk down until we find a value smaller than the pivot
while (right > left && (*right > piv))
if (left < right)
swap(*left, *right);
// make sure left and right are properly ordered.
if (left > right)
// sort subslices
quicksort(arry, (left - arry));
quicksort(arry + (right - arry), size - (right - arry));
int main()
int arry[] = {45, 27, 82, 21, 63, 22, 35, 19, 4, 5};
// before picture
std::copy(arry, arry+10, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
quicksort(arry, 10);
// after picture
std::copy(arry, arry+10, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
std::vector<int> vals(30);
for (size_t i=0;i<15;++i)
vals[i] = vals[15+i] = int(i+1);
std::random_shuffle(vals.begin(), vals.end());
// before picture
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
quicksort(vals.data(), vals.size());
// after picture
std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
return 0;
45 27 82 21 63 22 35 19 4 5
4 5 19 21 22 27 35 45 63 82
14 9 2 1 3 11 8 4 12 15 10 13 5 3 2 11 14 7 7 12 8 15 6 9 6 5 10 4 13 1
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15