
public Type GetTestClass(Object left, Object right)
    if (left == null || right == null) return null;

    Type leftClass = left.GetType();
    Type rightClass = right.GetType();
    Type testClass;
    if (leftClass.IsInstanceOfType(right))
        testClass = leftClass;
        if (!rightClass.IsInstanceOfType(left))
            // rightClass is a subclass of leftClass
            testClass = rightClass;
    else if (rightClass.IsInstanceOfType(left))
        testClass = rightClass;
        if (!leftClass.IsInstanceOfType(right))
            // leftClass is a subclass of rightClass
            testClass = leftClass;
        // The two classes are not related.
        testClass = null;

return testClass;

我在我正在处理的代码库中遇到了这段代码,我认为注释不正确。我相信评论//rightClass is a subclass of leftClass//leftClass is a subclass of rightClass不正确。例如,如果leftClass是类型Object并且rightClass是类型MyClass(从 Object 继承),那么这就是我认为代码的工作方式......

  1. ObjectMyClass是 FALSE的一个实例
  2. MyClassObject是 TRUE的一个实例
  3. testClass被设定为MyClass
  4. NOT(是 FALSEObject的一个实例MyClass)是 TRUE
  5. testClass被设定为Object
  6. testClass返回 which ==Object

我相信这是正确的功能......最终代码试图返回两个类的超级类(你也可以说是公共基类),或者如果它们不相关,则返回 null。使用上面的示例(步骤 1-5)实际上是否正确地说 leftClass 是 rightClass 的 SUPER 类...或者反过来说 rightClass 是 leftClass 的 SUBCLASS?


2 回答 2



如果右边是左边,但左边不是右边,那么左边一定是超类,右边一定是子类。这相当于第一种情况,您有注释“rightClass 是 leftClass 的子类”。所以,看起来评论的意图实际上是准确的。


  1. NullReferenceException如果任一参数为空,它将抛出。

  2. 它对 进行了不必要的调用GetType(),因为 的实际源代码IsInstanceOfType如下所示:

    public virtual bool IsInstanceOfType(object o)
        if (o == null)
            return false;
        return this.IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType());

    您应该接受@pswg 的建议并使用IsAssignableFrom,并可能考虑重构签名比较两个类型而不是两个对象。

  3. 任何两种具体类型总是至少有一个共同的基本类型System.Object. 此处返回 null 不是可接受的结果。

  4. 它不处理一种类型不是从另一种类型线性派生的情况,但两者仍然有一个比System.Object. 例如,

    public class Base { }
    public class A : Base { }
    public class B : Base { }

    您的方法会说A并且B是不相关的并返回 null,正确的“公共基础”将是Base.

我会查看Easest way to get a common base class from a collection of types提供的实现,它仍然不完美,但比您发布的要好。



    /// <summary> Finds the most derived common base class of all the provided types, or System.Object if there is no common base class  </summary>
    public static Type CommonBaseClass(params Type[] types)
        if(ReferenceEquals(types,null)) return typeof(object);
        types = types.Where(x => !ReferenceEquals(x,null)).Distinct().ToArray();
        switch (types.Length)
            case 0: return typeof(object);
            case 1: return types[0].IsInterface ? typeof(object): types[0];
                IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> hierarchies = types.Select(ClassHierarchy).OrderBy(x => x.Count());
                Queue<Type> smallest = new Queue<Type>(hierarchies.First().Reverse());
                hierarchies = hierarchies.Skip(1);
                    int maxPossible = smallest.Count;
                    hierarchies = hierarchies.Select(each => each.Take(maxPossible));
                    Type candidate = smallest.Dequeue();
                    if (hierarchies.All(each => each.Last() == candidate))
                        return candidate;
                } while (smallest.Count > 1);
                return typeof(object);

    ///<summary>Gets the class hierarchy of the provided type, in order of derivation, e.g. : (System.Object,CustomBaseType,CustomConcreteType,...), or the singleton of System.Object type if the provided type is an interface or null </summary>
    public static IEnumerable<Type> ClassHierarchy(this Type type)
        if (type == null || type.IsInterface) type = typeof(object);
        var stack = new Stack<Type>();
            type = type.BaseType;
        } while (type != null);
        return stack;

于 2013-04-29T16:12:21.653 回答

编辑:添加了额外的功能以支持 2 种以上的类型。

首先:一个类型不能是另一个类型的实例(除非我们谈论的是 type 的实例Type。)只有一个对象可以是一个类型的实例。



    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the most common type of two types.
    /// If no common type can be found, null is returned.
    /// </summary>
    static public Type GetCommonBaseClass(Type a, Type b)
        if ((a == null) || (b ==null))
            return null;
        if (a.IsInterface || b.IsInterface)
            return null;
        if (a.IsAssignableFrom(b))
            return a;
        while (true)
            if (b.IsAssignableFrom(a))
                return b;
            b = b.BaseType;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the most common type of one or more types.
    /// If no common type can be found, null is returned.
    /// </summary>
    static public Type GetCommonBaseClass(params Type[] types)
        if ((types == null) || (types.Length == 0))
            return null;
        Type type = types[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
            type = GetCommonBaseClass(type, types[i]);
        return type;


public Type GetTestClass(Object left, Object right)
     return GetCommonBaseClass(left.GetType(), right.GetType());
于 2013-04-29T16:24:20.547 回答