I need to clear (no selection) my first 2 radio buttons (CMR conv + Out of CMR) when choice is 'Disable things' .
jsFiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/mnucj/
CMR convention: <input type="radio" name="cmrConvention" value="true" data-bind="checkedRadioToBool: cmrConvention, disable: thirdPartyInsured() ? true : false">
Out of CMR convention: <input type="radio" name="cmrConvention" value="false" data-bind="checkedRadioToBool: cmrConvention, disable: thirdPartyInsured() ? true : false">
- - - - - -
Enable things: <input type="radio" name="thirdParty" value="false" data-bind="checkedRadioToBool: thirdPartyInsured">
Disable things: <input type="radio" name="thirdParty" value="true" data-bind="checkedRadioToBool: thirdPartyInsured">