你不会喜欢这样的......问题是你的模板中有第 9 行和第 11 行。您必须正确设置它们,因为它们的 RowIndex 必须更新,并且 Row 元素的子 Cell 元素必须具有它们的 CellReference 属性(以及 CellFormula,如果你有它们)。
假设您有 6 个新项目。然后第 9 行变为第 15 行。“旧”行 9 中的单元格 A9 必须更新为 A15。我已经给出了更新 RowIndex 和 CellReference 的代码,但这并不是万无一失的。你已经被警告过了。
另请注意,我已将起始索引从 9 更改为 8。这是因为代码在执行 InsertAfter() 之前首先递增 (newRowIndex++)。哦,你会想出来的...
另外,我在第 9 行之前先更新第 11 行,因为我害怕碰撞。如果您有 2 个新项目,并且您首先更新第 9 行,它将变为第 11 行。然后您有两个第 11 行。那么原来的第 11 行是哪一行?在这些情况下,当增加行索引时,从具有较高 RowIndex 的行开始。
using (var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(memoryStream, true, openSettings))
var worksheet = GetWorksheet(spreadSheet);
var worksheetPart = worksheet.WorksheetPart;
var sheetData = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>();
Row currentRow;
Row cloneRow;
Cell currentCell;
Cell cloneCell;
// Replace for rows 11 and 9, because they exist after your inserted rows
currentRow = sheetData.Elements<Row>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.RowIndex == 11);
cloneRow = (Row)currentRow.CloneNode(true);
cloneRow.RowIndex += (uint)Items.Count;
foreach (var child in cloneRow.ChildElements)
if (child is Cell)
currentCell = (Cell)child;
cloneCell = (Cell)currentCell.CloneNode(true);
// IMPORTANT! this is a very simplistic way of replace something like
// A11 to A16 (assuming you have 5 rows to insert)
// A more robust way of replacing is beyond this solution's scope.
cloneCell.CellReference = cloneCell.CellReference.Value.Replace("11", cloneRow.RowIndex);
cloneRow.ReplaceChild<Cell>(cloneCell, currentCell);
sheetData.ReplaceChild<Row>(cloneRow, currentRow);
currentRow = sheetData.Elements<Row>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.RowIndex == 9);
cloneRow = (Row)currentRow.CloneNode(true);
cloneRow.RowIndex += (uint)Items.Count;
foreach (var child in cloneRow.ChildElements)
if (child is Cell)
currentCell = (Cell)child;
cloneCell = (Cell)currentCell.CloneNode(true);
cloneCell.CellReference = cloneCell.CellReference.Value.Replace("9", cloneRow.RowIndex);
cloneRow.ReplaceChild<Cell>(cloneCell, currentCell);
sheetData.ReplaceChild<Row>(cloneRow, currentRow);
var newRowIndex = 8;
foreach (var item in Items)
var newRow = new Row()
RowIndex = (uint)newRowIndex
var lastRow = sheetData.Elements<Row>().LastOrDefault(l => l.RowIndex == newRowIndex - 1);
sheetData.InsertAfter(newRow, lastRow);