I have multiple sites running on my IIS, now for one of the websites (SiteB) we need to support ssl requests. I have enabled it editing bindings for the website, but the problem is when I selected protocol SSL editing bindings HostName field is disabled, being unable to set hostname to respond to https request, this causes that all sites of my IIS if are requested with https:// loads web site of siteB.
For example my bidings are the next
Site A
IP Port HostName
* 80 www.sitea.com
Site B
IP Port Hostname
* 443 www.siteb.com
* 80 www.siteb.com
If I type https://www.siteb.com in my browser it works correctly, but if I type https://www.sitea.com in the browser, siteb webpage is loaded with the hostname of sitea.
How Can I make that only https://www.siteb.com responds to https requests on my IIS?
I have tried with command appcmd too but It't doesnt work.
appcmd set site /site.name:{sitB} /bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:*'].bindingInformation:*:443:siteB.com
Thanks for your help.