public string FormatClosingTags(string origionalText)
string manipulate = origionalText;
// Get the tags away from the words.
manipulate = manipulate.Replace(">", "> ");
manipulate = manipulate.Replace("<", " <");
// Now that the tags are alone and weak, split them up!
string[] tags = manipulate.Split(' ');
// Create holding cells to sibigate the tags.
List<string> openingTags = new List<string>();
List<string> closingTags = new List<string>();
// Create a marshal to hold the subjugated tags.
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
// Find all those tags!
foreach (string s in tags)
// Make sure its only the women and children
if ((s.Contains("<") || s.Contains(">")) && (!s.Contains("</")))
// While keeping the males to themsleves
else if ((s.Contains("<") || s.Contains(">")) && (s.Contains("</")))
// Get one of those harsh ladies with a clipboard and make her count all the men
int counter = closingTags.Count;
// Destroy all the females that have a male
openingTags.RemoveRange(0, counter);
// Find the rest of the lonely women
foreach (string open in openingTags)
// CONVERT THEM TO MEN - add them to the marshal's list
output.Append(open.Replace("<", "</"));
return origionalText + output;