我们可以使用 TCP 消息通过异步通信向客户端发送数据。
// Specify the size according to your need.
private byte[] bytData = new byte[1024 * 50000];
private Socket oServerSocket;
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// We are using TCP sockets
this.oServerSocket = new Socket(
addressFamily: AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
socketType: SocketType.Stream,
protocolType: ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Assign the any IP of the hardware and listen on port number which the hardware is sending(here it's 5656)
var oIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address: IPAddress.Any, port: 5656);
// Bind and listen on the given address
this.oServerSocket.Bind(localEP: oIPEndPoint);
this.oServerSocket.Listen(backlog: 4);
// Accept the incoming clients
this.oServerSocket.BeginAccept(this.OnAccept, null);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
private void OnAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
var oClientSocket = this.oServerSocket.EndAccept(asyncResult: ar);
// Start listening for more clients
this.oServerSocket.BeginAccept(callback: this.OnAccept, state: null);
// Once the client connects then start receiving the commands from her
buffer: this.bytData,
offset: 0,
size: this.bytData.Length,
socketFlags: SocketFlags.None,
callback: this.OnReceive,
state: oClientSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
private void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
var oClientSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
oClientSocket.EndReceive(asyncResult: ar);
/* Process the data here
BitConverter.ToInt32(value: this.bytData, startIndex: 0);
string SomeString= Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes: this.bytData, index: 8, count: 5);
// Specify the size according to your need.
this.bytData = null;
this.bytData = new byte[1024 * 50000];
buffer: this.bytData,
offset: 0,
size: this.bytData.Length,
socketFlags: SocketFlags.None,
callback: this.OnReceive,
state: oClientSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception