我偶尔会在 sql server 中遇到死锁。我创建了一个用于锁定非数据库操作(信用卡处理)的函数,因此不会发生重复。我的函数如下(对不起tcl,但是sql已经够清楚了)。谁能看到为什么偶尔会发生死锁????
proc ims_syn_lock_object { db object {timeout 30} {wait 1}} {
if {[catch {
while {true} {
am_dbtransaction begin $db
# read the object locks that aren't timed out
set result [am_db1cell $db "SELECT object from GranularLocks WITH (ROWLOCK,HOLDLOCK) where object = [ns_dbquotevalue $object] AND timeActionMade > DATEADD(second,-timeout, GETDATE())"]
# check to see if this object is locked and not timed out
if { [string equal "" $result] } {
} else {
# another process has this object and it is not timed out.
# release the row lock
am_dbtransaction rollback $db
if { $wait } {
# sleep for between 400 and 800 miliseconds
sleep [expr [ns_rand 400] + 400]
} else {
# we aren't waiting on locked resources.
return 0;
# either the object lock has timed out, or the object isn't locked
# create the object lock.
ns_db dml $db "DELETE FROM GranularLocks WHERE object = [ns_dbquotevalue $object]"
ns_db dml $db "INSERT INTO GranularLocks(object,timeout) VALUES ([ns_dbquotevalue $object],[ns_dbquotevalue $timeout int])"
# releases the row lock and commits the transaction
am_dbtransaction commit $db
} errMsg]} {
ns_log Notice "Could not lock $object. $errMsg"
catch {
am_dbtransaction rollback $db
} errMsg
return 0
return 1
proc ims_syn_unlock_object {db object } {
#simply remove the objects lock
ns_db dml $db "DELETE FROM GranularLocks WHERE object = [ns_dbquotevalue $object]"