
我正在尝试从头开始创建一个查找方法,以查看两个对象是否相等,因为某些方法的结果是相等的,使用 Equals 方法来做到这一点。我知道使用 Find/Contains 方法会更快,但我不允许使用它们。该方法的签名是“ static int Find(List c, Coffee x)” Find 寻找xc返回一个有效的索引(例如 , 01如果x存在于 中,否则c返回。-1必须使用 equals 方法来确定等价性。如果传递的对象不等于列表中当前的对象,则将其添加到列表中(列表包含派生自基类的两种类型的对象,因此列表可以存储这两种类型)。等效性由namecostdemand和定义holding cost(h)roasttype(M)对于常规和name, cost,demand和对于. 这是我到目前为止所拥有的(很多代码可能会写得更好):holding cost(h)minimum quantity(also M)decaf

class EOQCalculator4
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Create objects and references
        Coffee obv = new Coffee();
        Decaf decafCoffee = null;
        Regular regularCoffee = null;
        List<Coffee> inventory = new List<Coffee>();

        // Prompt user for input and store it as a string
        Console.Write("Enter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast ");
        string s = Console.ReadLine();

        // Loop
        while (!s.ToLower().Equals("q"))
            // Split string up and assign componets to variables
            string[] values = s.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string name = values[0];
            string demand = (values[1]);
            string cost = (values[2]);
            string type = values[3];

            // Check for > 0 and convert to numbers
            float D = CheckDemand(demand);
            float C = CheckCost(cost);
            float M = 0;

            if (type.StartsWith("D:"))
                type = Regex.Match(type, @"\d+").Value;
                M = CheckMin(type);
                decafCoffee = new Decaf(name, D, C, M);

            else if (type.StartsWith("R:"))
                if (type.Contains("light"))
                    M = 1;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
                else if (type.Contains("medium"))
                    M = 2;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);

                else if (type.Contains("dark"))
                    M = 3;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
                else Console.WriteLine("\nError, please enter all lower case \"dark\", \"medium\", or \"light\" next time.");

            else Console.WriteLine("\nError, please enter either \"D:\" followed by a number or \"R:\" followed by roast type next time.");
            Console.Write("\nEnter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast: ");
            s = Console.ReadLine();
        }   // End loop

        // Sort and  display values
        var sortedList = inventory.OrderBy(i => i.Q()).ToList();
        Console.WriteLine("\nName \t   C ($)      Demand \t  Detail   Q(lbs.)     TAC ($)      T(weeks) ");
        for (int j = 0; j < inventory.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", sortedList[j].toString());



#region CheckMethods
    // Data validation methods
    public static float CheckDemand(String R)
        float number;
        while (!float.TryParse(R, out number) || number <= 0)
            Console.Write("Please enter a number greater than 0 for demand: ");
            R = Console.ReadLine();

        }   return number;


    public static float CheckCost(String R)
        float number;
        while (!float.TryParse(R, out number) || number <= 0)
            Console.Write("Please enter a number greater than 0 for cost: ");
            R = Console.ReadLine();

        } return number;


    public static float CheckMin(String R)
        float number;
        while (!float.TryParse(R, out number) || number <= 0)
            Console.Write("Please enter a number greater than 0 for minimum quantity: ");
            R = Console.ReadLine();

        } return number;


 public class Coffee
    // Members
    private static float sumQ = 0;
    private static int mcount;
    private float k = 20;
    private float mc;
    private string mName;
    private float md;
    private float q;
    private float mh;
    private float tac;
    private float min = 0;
    private float type = 0;
    Coffee i = new Coffee();

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is Coffee)
            bool isNameEqual = i.Name.Equals(this.Name);
            bool isuCostEqual = i.Cost.Equals(this.Cost);
            bool isDemandEqual = i.Demand.Equals(this.Demand);
            bool ishCostEqual = i.h.Equals(this.h);
            bool isMinEqual = i.getMin.Equals(this.min);
            return (isNameEqual && isuCostEqual && isDemandEqual && ishCostEqual && isMinEqual);
        return false;

    // Default Constructor
    public Coffee()
    { mcount = 0; }

    // Full Constructor
    public Coffee(string Name, float d, float c, float m)
        mName = Name;
        md = d;
        mc = c;
        mh = (float).30 * mc;
        type = m;
        min = m;

    public Coffee(string Name, float d, float c)
        mName = Name;
        md = d;
        mc = c;
        mh = (float).30 * mc;

    // Copy Constructor
    public Coffee(Coffee e)
        this.mName = e.mName;
        this.md = e.md;
        this.mh = e.mh;
        this.mc = e.mc;
        this.q = e.q;

    // Destructor
    { mcount--; }

    // Properties
    #region Properties

    public float getMin
        get { return min; }

    public float getType
        get { return type; }

    public string Name
        get { return mName; }

    public float h
        get { return mh; }

    public float Cost
        get { return mc; }

    public float Demand
        get { return md; }

    public float getQ
        get { return q; }

    public float K
        get { return k; }

    public float getSumQ
        get { return sumQ; }
        set { sumQ = value; }

    // Methods
    public virtual float Q()
        q = (float)Math.Sqrt(2 * md * k / mh);
        sumQ += q;
        return q;

    public virtual float TAC()
        tac = q / 2 * mh + md * k / q + md * mc;
        return tac;

    public virtual float T()
        float t = (q / (md / 52));
        return t;

    public virtual string toString()
        string a = String.Format("{0,-10:s} {1,-10:f2} {2,-13:f0} {3,-11:f0} {4,-11:f2} {5,-0:f2}", mName, mc, md, Q(), TAC(), T());
        return a;

    public virtual string toStringQ()
        string c = String.Format("\nIf you purchase all of the coffee you will need space to hold {0,-0:f2} of coffee", sumQ);
        return c;


public class Decaf : Coffee
    // Members
    private float k = 30;
    private float min;
    private float q;

    // Constructor
    public Decaf(string Name, float d, float c, float m)
       : base(Name, d, c)
        min = m;

    // Methods
    public override float Q()
        q = (float)Math.Sqrt(2 * Demand * k / h);
        if (q < min)
            return min;
        else return q;

    public override float TAC()
        getSumQ += Q();
        return  Q() / 2 * h + Demand * k / Q() + Demand * Cost;

    public override float T()
        return (Q() / (Demand / 52));

    public override string toString()
        string a = String.Format("{0,-11:s}{1,-11:f2}{2,-12:f0}{3,-9:f0}{4,-12:f0}{5,-13:f2}{6,-10:f2}", Name, Cost, Demand, min, Q(), TAC(), T());
        return a; 


// Enumerator
[Flags] enum RoastType { light = 1, medium = 2, dark = 3 }

public class Regular : Coffee
    // Members
    RoastType roast;
    private float q;
    private float k = 20;

    // Constructor
    public Regular(string Name, float d, float c, float r)
        : base(Name, d, c)
      int x = (int) r;
      roast = (RoastType) x;

    // Methods
    public override float Q()
        q = (float)Math.Sqrt(2 * Demand * k / h);
        return q;

    public override float TAC()
        getSumQ += Q();
        return Q() / 2 * h + Demand * k / Q() + Demand * Cost;

    public override float T()
        return (Q() / (Demand / 52));

    public override string toString()
        string b = String.Format("{0,-11:s}{1,-11:f2}{2,-12:f0}{3,-9:s}{4,-12:f0}{5,-13:f2}{6,-10:f2}", Name, Cost, Demand, roast.ToString(), Q(), TAC(), T());
        return b;


假设我正确实现了 equals 方法,我将在哪里/如何实现“ static int Find(List<Coffee> c, Coffee x)”方法?


1 回答 1


As it stands your overridden Equals method won't work correctly. Equals tests for reference equality i.e. if two object references point to the same object. See MSDN for more info on Equals.

If you are just wanting to make sure that the same two coffees (with the same name, demand cost and type) are not added, then you can perform a simple value check on those fields, something like (method added to your Coffee class)

public bool CoffeeIsSame(Coffee c2)
    return (this.Name == c2.Name) && (this.Demand == this.Demand) && (this.Cost == c2.Cost) && (this.Type == c2.Type); 

Your Find method could look something like this:

static bool Find(List c, Coffee x)
    bool result = false; 
    foreach(Coffee coffee in c)
        result = coffee.CoffeeIsSame(x); 
        if (result) 
    return result;

To implement your static Find method, you could add it to your Coffee class. Then you call it like this (using some of your code from your Main method as an example):

else if (type.Contains("dark"))
    M = 3;
    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
    if (!Coffee.Find(inventory, regularCoffee))

Hope that helps,


于 2013-04-29T08:27:46.620 回答