我正在使用带有 .NET Framework 3.5 的 Visual Studio 2008 并制作 C++/CLI/.NET Forms 应用程序;游戏的编辑器。除了编辑器之外的所有游戏代码都是纯C++。我已经到了需要从非托管代码调用表单代码中的回调的地步。
我正在使用 GetFunctionPointerForDelegate。
首先,我的 Form 类中有这些:
public: delegate void ADelegate(Int32, float, float, float, Int32);
public: static ADelegate^ delegateInstance;
然后我在 Form 构造函数中设置回调:
// Set up World Objects callback
typedef void (__stdcall *WorldLocationUpdateCallback)(Int32, float, float, float, Int32);
WorldLocationUpdateCallback _callback;
// Create an instance of a delegate, using GetFunctionPointerForDelegate
delegateInstance = gcnew ADelegate( this, &MainForm::InitWorldObjectPane );
// Convert the delegate to a pointer
IntPtr anIntPtr = Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate( delegateInstance );
// Cast the pointer into a function pointer
_callback = static_cast<WorldLocationUpdateCallback>(anIntPtr.ToPointer());
CEditorUI::UI()->setWorldLocationUpdateCallback( (void*)_callback );
// Set up World Object pane in editor to use this map/maptile/etc
typedef void (*WorldLocCallback)(int, float, float, float, int);
void* _callback = CEditorUI::UI()->getWorldLocationUpdateCallback();
int _mapId = charGfxObj->getMapId();
float _posX = charGfxObj->getPos().x;
float _posY = charGfxObj->getPos().y;
float _posZ = charGfxObj->getPos().z;
int _tileRadius = TILE_RADIUS;
((WorldLocCallback)(_callback))( _mapId, _posX, _posY, _posZ, _tileRadius );
editor.exe!__crt_debugger_hook() Unknown
>editor.exe!__report_gsfailure() Line 298 + 0x7 bytes C
editor.exe!__CorExeMain@0() + 0xe3 bytes C++