谁能告诉我有关如何为 WCF 数据服务定义 XACML 拦截器的信息?


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Expression<Func<T, bool>>WCF 数据服务的拦截器本质上是数据源中每个实体的 lambda 表达式(有关拦截器的更多信息),这将您限制在非常简单且几乎是静态的授权规则中。另一方面,XACML 是非常灵活和动态的授权解决方案。我想不出可能的通用集成方式。同时非泛型集成非常简单:

[QueryInterceptor ("Customers")]
public Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> FilterCustomers() 

    // First of all you need to get all request attributes
    // information could come from session, from cookies
    // from request, in this example I will only use subjectId
    // In XACML subjectId could be user name  
    var subjectId = GetSubjectId();

    // After you have all data, build XACML request
    // this code is specific to our XACML implementation
    var xacmlRequest = new XacmlDecisionRequestContext()
        .AddRequest(r => r
            .AddResource(a => a.Add(XacmlConstants.ResourceAttributes.ResourceId, new Uri("Customer", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)))               
            .AddSubject(a => a.Add(XacmlConstants.SubjectAttributes.SubjectId, subjectId ))

    // Evaluate request
    var result = PolicyDecisionPoint.Evaluate(xacmlRequest);

    // Based on XACML decision result you can construct expression
    // this example is simple true or false, but based on 
    // XACML Advices or XACML Attributes you can build much more
    // sophisticated expression

    if (result.Decisions.Single().Decision == XacmlDecision.Permit)
        return () => true;
    return () => false;

此示例假定您拦截对 Customer 实体的访问。它仅适用于查询。您应该将此方法放在您的 DataService 类中。

示例基于 Axiomatics PEP SDK for .NET(我正在开发此产品),但想法将适用于任何 XACML 实现。

于 2013-04-29T09:33:56.847 回答