
我的所有函数都驻留在 class.php 文件中的 php 类中:


class Club
    //Private Data
    private $HostName;      //typically "localhost"
    private $UserId;
    private $Password;
    private $DBName;
    private $Con;           //MySQL Connection
    //Public Methods
    public function __construct($host = NULL, $uid = NULL, $pw = NULL, $db = NULL)
        $this->HostName = $host;
        $this->UserID = $uid;
        $this->Password = $pw;
        $this->DBName = $db;

        //Connect to Database
        $this -> Con = mysqli_connect($host, $uid, $pw, $db);
        if(mysgli_connect_errno($this -> Con))
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL; " . mysqli_connect_error();

    public function __destruct()
        //Close connection
        mysqli_close($this -> Con);
    public function DisplayMembers()
            function DisplayAbout()
            function DisplayRegistrationForm()
        echo("<h2>Become a Club Member</h2>

        <form name='register' method='post' action=''>
                        <td width='80px'>
                            <label>First Name: </label>
                        <td width='300'>
                            <input id='firstname' type='text' name='firstname' value='' required/>
                            <label>Last Name: </label>
                            <input id='lastname' type='text' name='lastname' value='' required/>
                            <label>Your Email: </label>
                            <input id='email' type='text' name='email' value='' required/>
                            <label>Gender: </label>
                            <input id='gender' type='radio' name='gender' value='male'>Male<br />
                            <input id='gender' type='radio' name='gender' value='female'>Female
                            <label>Interested in: </label>
                        <td id='check'>
                            <span style='font-weight: bold;'>Check All that Apply:</span><br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Pizza Party'>Pizza Party<br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Joining Study Groups'>Joining Study Groups<br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Visiting Employer Sites'>Visiting Employer Sites<br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Participating in Programming Competition'>Participating in Programming Competitions<br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Building Games'>Building Games<br />
                            <input id='interests' type='checkbox' name='interests[]' value='Becoming an Officer of the Club'>Becoming an Officer of the Club
                        <td colspan='2' style='text-align: center;'>
                            <input id='submit' type='submit' name='submit' value='Sign Up'/>
            function ProcessRegistrationForm()
            private function Get_Members_From_DB()
            private function Get_Members_Interests_From_DB($MemberEmail)
            private function Get_Interests_Types_From_DB()

我一生都无法弄清楚在表单部分的操作部分中放置什么以便在ProcessRegistrationFunction()课堂内使用。所以基本上,DisplayRegistrationForm()在文件中调用index.phpa div,然后我希望它ProcessRegistrationFunction()在类中被处理。但是,我似乎无法弄清楚如何做到这一点。


2 回答 2


您可以将表单数据发送到 index.php 本身,然后将任何数据发送到您的流程函数。实现这一点的最佳方法是更改​​表单以将数据收集为数组。


<input id='firstname' type='text' name='myFormArray[firstname]' value='' required/>

<input id='lastname' type='text' name='myFormArray[lastname]' value='' required/>

提交表单时,可以在 index.php 中访问此值

所以在你的 index.php

    $formData = $_POST["myFormArray"]; // dont forget to sanitize any post data
   //than you can call your class function and pass this data
   $class = new class();

您的 ProcessRegistrationFunction($data) 现在将以数组形式包含所有数据..


注意:你的类中有很多语法错误..还有更好的方法来实现这个类..你应该始终避免在你的类中使用 html 代码..


于 2013-04-28T23:47:44.703 回答


 'if(mysgli_connect_errno($this -> Con))'


 'if(mysqli_connect_errno($this -> Con))'
于 2013-12-07T04:58:11.397 回答