所以我正在为一个类制作一个 API 混搭。现在,我收到了来自 Google Maps API 的 json 响应。我通过使用 for 循环从响应中获得 5 个航点。我要解决的问题是一些坐标在死空间中并且没有与之相关的图片。我想在 4 次迭代中的每一次都进行 ajax 调用,但是如果没有图片,那么它会迭代直到找到一张,然后回到它停止的地方。我尝试使用一个while循环,以便它可以进行调用,并且在成功的坐标下,while循环变量将设置为true,然后它会跳出while循环,然后返回到for循环,它会迭代到下一个“航路点”。到目前为止,我没有收到错误,该网站正在超时,也许是电话太多了?也许我'
// so this for loop divides the hundreds of steps by 1/4 of the total length.
for (i=0; i<polyPoints.length; i+=quarters) {
// gets the coords for the current iteration.
var lat = polyPoints[i][0];
var lng = polyPoints[i][1];
var hasPic = false;
var origI = i;
//while loop runs through and checks to see if the coordinate has pictures at it.
while (hasPic == false){
type : "GET",
dataType : "jsonp",
ajaxI: i,
url: 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/search?lat='+lat+'&lng='+lng+'&distance=5000&access_token='+token,
success: function(data){
i = this.ajaxI;
//if null,increases the iteration by one, and then runs through the loop again, checking the next coordinate? I hope.
if(typeof data.data[0] === "undefined" || data.meta.code == 400){
console.log("i increased to "+i);
//if the pic is there then it assigns a random picture from the result to the images array.
images.push(data.data[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.data.length)].images.low_resolution.url);
//sets while loop to stop
hasPic = true;
//loads the current iterations coordinates for the later for loop to create markers.
}, //data.data[0].images.low_resolution.url
error: function(data){
i = this.ajaxI;
//resets the i back to the original iteration before it got increased
i = origI;