PHP 在处理记录大约 45 分钟后因 ZEND HEAP 错误而窒息,我花了无数小时研究和尝试解决该错误,但无法解决。当我研究并尝试了一切时,没有一个 .ini 配置可以解决这个问题!它似乎只是一个 php 5xx 限制或错误。
我有 6 个表和超过 54,000,000 条我正在查询的记录。从这些查询中,我生成了一个专有的文本文件。
我正在寻找我下面的脚本或脚本的最佳建议,因为我在过去一年中修改了 100 次并且它变得更快,但我无法摆脱 ZEND HEAD 错误,它会在非常大的记录上杀死我的脚本套。
这不是基于 Web 的脚本,所有工作都已本地化并通过 php cli 运行。
我还应该注意,我花了无数个小时重新配置 php.ini 内存设置和任何其他可能的调整,我可以尝试但没有运气。
我希望脚本可以写成 OOP 结构,从而提高内存效率。
ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', '9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', '9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999');
// Opens a connection to a MySQL server.
$connection = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "");
if (!$connection)
die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());
// Sets the active MySQL database.
$db_selected = mysql_select_db("charities", $connection);
if (!$db_selected)
die ('Can\'t use db : ' . mysql_error());
// Basic settings
$txtdate = date('Ymdhis');
// Filter only
$_POST["state_abbr"] = 'NY'; // State
$_POST["loc_type"] = 'Non Profit'; // Church, School, Non Profit etc...
// Query parameters - eg for Open or Closed Status.
$_POST["case_disp"] = 'C';
$_POST["case_disp_txt"] = 'CLOSED';
$_POST["case_disp_gp"] = 'CLOSED';
$_POST["last_act_txt"] = 'CLOSED';
// Text output only.
$_POST["status_word"] = 'Closed'; // Location status: "ABANDONED" or "ACTIVE"
$_POST["stateU"] = 'New York';
$Locations_yr = "2012-" . date('Y');
// Selects all the rows in the markers table.
$query = "SELECT * FROM charity_full_merged as a
INNER JOIN charity_full_merged_st_load_case as b
ON a.charity_id=b.charity_id
INNER JOIN charity_full_merged_land as c
ON b.charity_id=c.charity_id
INNER JOIN charity_full_merged_county as d
ON c.charity_id=d.charity_id
INNER JOIN charity_full_merged_customer as e
ON d.charity_id=e.charity_id
a.township_range_quarters != ''
b.geo_state = '".$_POST["state_abbr"]."'
b.casetype_txt LIKE \"%".$_POST["loc_type"]."%\"
b.case_disp_txt = '".$_POST["case_disp_txt"]."' GROUP BY b.charity_nm;";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if($result === FALSE) {
$results_count = mysql_num_rows($result);
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result)
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
// Creates an array of strings to hold the lines of the txt file.
$txt = array('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
$txt[] = "<Document>
<name>" . date('Y') . " Data Map of " . $_POST["stateU"] . ". " . $_POST["status_word"] . " " . $_POST["loc_type"] . " Locations. </name>
<description>" . $_POST["stateU"] . " " . $_POST["status_word"] . " " . $_POST["loc_type"] . " " . " map." . " " . $results_count . " Records. Created by Charity Group 5." . date('Y') . ". </description>";
while ($row = @ mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if ($row['last_action_txt'] == 'NOP'
$boxclr = 'activeLoc';
else if ($row['case_disp'] == 'C'
$boxclr = 'closedLoc';
else { // Unknown
$boxclr = "yellowBox";
$txt[] = "... general content written here ... (about 100 lines of text per record ";
// End XML file
$txt[] = ' </Document>';
$txt[] = '</txt>';
$txtOutput = join("\n", $txt);
// Create .txt file.
$txtfile = $_POST["stateU"] . "Charities" . $_POST["status_word"] . "-" . $_POST["loc_type"] . "-LocationS-" . $results_count . "-" . $txtdate . ".txt";
// Put the contents of $txtOutput into the $txtfile.
file_put_contents($txtfile, $txtOutput);
echo "$results_count " . $_POST["status_word"] . " " . $_POST["loc_type"] . " Location records processed...";