//Creates the array pointer
cacheStats **directMappedTable1024Bytes = new cacheStats *[31];
//Initializes the array with cacheStats objects
for (int i=0; i<31; i++)
table[i] = new cacheStats();
//Test: Changing element of one object in the array
cout << directMappedTable1024Bytes[22]->checkTag(); //should output 0
#include "cacheStats.h"
int tag;
int valid;
using namespace std;
cacheStats :: cacheStats (int t, int v)
tag = t;
valid = v;
cacheStats :: ~cacheStats()
void cacheStats :: setTag (int cacheTag)
tag = cacheTag;
void cacheStats:: setValidBit (int validBit)
valid = validBit;
int cacheStats :: checkValid()
return valid;
int cacheStats :: checkTag()
return tag;
结果 cout 输出 55,而它本应输出 0。例如,如果我将前一行更改为 setTag(32),它将输出 32。