我正在尝试验证客户是否至少 25 岁,以便租车。我相信我有正确的代码来计算我的客户类中的年龄,但它实际上并没有在我的代码中验证它以进行应用
来自 customer.cs 的代码
public int Age
// Get today's date
DateTime currDate = DateTime.Now;
// Get the difference in years
int age = currDate.Year - birthdayPicker.Year;
// Subtract another year if we're before the
// birth day in the current year
if (currDate.Month < birthdayPicker.Month || (currDate.Month == birthdayPicker.Month && currDate.Day < birthdayPicker.Day))
return age;
来自 form1.cs 的代码(仍在使用应用按钮,但在继续之前尝试验证年龄)
private void applyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myCust.Age >= (25))
maketextbox.Text = myVehicle.Make;
modelTextbox.Text = myVehicle.Model;
yearTextbox.Text = Convert.ToString(myVehicle.Year);
vinTextbox.Text = Convert.ToString(myVehicle.Vin);
MessageBox.Show("Congratulations, you have been approved to rent a car!");
MessageBox.Show("You are not old enough to rent a car.");