#include "Questions.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()
const int MAXITEMS = 15;
ifstream QuestionFile;
char a;
int count = 0;
string question[MAXITEMS];
string answers[10];
int userInput = 0;
int tries = 0;
bool isGameOver = false;
cout << "select 1 to start game" << endl; gives option to start and quit game
cout << "select 2 to quit game" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput == 2)
isGameOver = true; to close game
return 0;
error message if 1 or 2 is not input
if (userInput!=1 && userInput!=2)
cout << " Your input is not valid! please try again:" << endl; error message
cout << "select 1 to start game" << endl;
cout << "select 2 to quit game" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput == 2)
isGameOver = true;
return 0;
while (!(cin >> userInput)) error message
cin.clear(); clear the error flags
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); discard the row
cout << "Your input is not valid! please try again: ";
cout << "select 1 to start game" << endl;
cout << "select 2 to quit game" << endl;
cout << userInput << endl;
reprisent all characters as number to stop while problem
when game starts gives option to select question and shows all questions
if(userInput == 1)
QuestionFile.open ("Questions2.txt.txt"); opening this file
if(!QuestionFile) file testing
cout<< " error opening file" << endl;
// system("pause");
// };
while(QuestionFile) while read is working display from file into array
cout << count << " " << question << endl; for display
QuestionFile >> question[count]; read into array
for (int i = 0; i < count ; ++i) displaying out the array
{cout << " array" << i << " is ::";
cout << question[i]<< endl;
cout << question[0]; reads in data
system ("pause");