我的地形使用着色器,它本身使用四种不同的纹理。它在 windows 和 linux 机器上运行良好,但在 android 上它在两个星系上都只有 ~25FPS。我认为,纹理是问题,但不是,因为看起来问题在于我划分纹理坐标并使用 frac 获得平铺坐标的部分。没有它,我得到 60FPS。
// Material data.
//uniform vec3 uAmbient;
//uniform vec3 uDiffuse;
//uniform vec3 uLightPos[8];
//uniform vec3 uEyePos;
//uniform vec3 uFogColor;
uniform sampler2D terrain_blend;
uniform sampler2D grass;
uniform sampler2D rock;
uniform sampler2D dirt;
varying vec2 varTexCoords;
//varying vec3 varEyeNormal;
//varying float varFogWeight;
// Name: fog
// Desc: applies calculated fog weight to fog color and mixes with
// specified color.
//vec4 fog(vec4 color) {
// return mix(color, vec4(uFogColor, 1.0), varFogWeight);
void main(void)
/*vec3 N = normalize(varEyeNormal);
vec3 L = normalize(uLightPos[0]);
vec3 H = normalize(L + normalize(uEyePos));
float df = max(0.0, dot(N, L));
vec3 col = uAmbient + uDiffuse * df;*/
// Take color information from textures and tile them.
vec2 tiledCoords = varTexCoords;
//vec2 tiledCoords = fract(varTexCoords / 0.05); // <========= HERE!!!!!!!!!
//vec4 colGrass = texture2D(grass, tiledCoords);
vec4 colGrass = texture2D(grass, tiledCoords);
//vec4 colDirt = texture2D(dirt, tiledCoords);
vec4 colDirt = texture2D(dirt, tiledCoords);
//vec4 colRock = texture2D(rock, tiledCoords);
vec4 colRock = texture2D(rock, tiledCoords);
// Take color information from not tiled blend map.
vec4 colBlend = texture2D(terrain_blend, varTexCoords);
// Find the inverse of all the blend weights.
float inverse = 1.0 / (colBlend.r + colBlend.g + colBlend.b);
// Scale colors by its corresponding weight.
colGrass *= colBlend.r * inverse;
colDirt *= colBlend.g * inverse;
colRock *= colBlend.b * inverse;
vec4 final = colGrass + colDirt + colRock;
//final = fog(final);
gl_FragColor = final;
vec2 tiledCoords = fract(varTexCoords * 2.0);
vec2 tiledCoords = fract(varTexCoords * 10.0);
在 SIII 上运行平均。
vec2 tiledCoords = fract(varTexCoords * 20.0);
vec2 tiledCoords = fract(varTexCoords * 100.0);
嗯 5FPS 还是比我预想的好...