想要一个简单的 jqplot 轴显示修复。我使用气泡图显示图表,使用 CategoryAxisRenderer 显示轴。


已经查看了各种内置的 jqplot 选项,但没有运气。恐怕解决方案在于更改 jqplot 轴的 css 定义,但我不希望这样,因为它会花费大量时间来理解别人的 css。请如果有人可以帮助!


1 回答 1


Have got my solution finally.

  1. Reversed the array that had to be printed row wise, hence both chart and the y axis came up correctly.

  2. The second x axis , did not solve my problem. Instead for the particular chart id , modified the the css class jqplot-xaxis and that did the trick.

    myBubbleChartId .jqplot-xaxis{

    position : absolute;
    top : -20px !important;


于 2013-05-13T05:18:48.557 回答