I am new to python and programming in general. I have received many syntax errors in my program. most have been Index errors. When I run it now what I get is:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python33\HW3 playing around.py", line 133, in <module>
File "C:\Python33\HW3 playing around.py", line 32, in Main
File "C:\Python33\HW3 playing around.py", line 69, in EmployeeNumbers
Sal[Index] = float(input("Enter Employee salary here: "))
IndexError: list assignment index out of range"
I have no idea how to solve both this error and many others that this program has, any help would be appreciated.
# Description: This program will Calculate the Average, Maximum, and Minimum Salaries of employees
#Declare Variables
EmpNum = 0
SalAVG = 0
Index = 0
SalTot = 0
# Start Main
def Main():
# Get Number of employees
EmpNum = int(input("Enter the number of employee's here: "))
if EmpNum <=0:
print("Please enter positive number")
while Index < EmpNum:
# Call EmployeeNames
global Name
global Index
global SalTot
Name = [Index]
# Call EmployeeNumbers
global Sal
Sal = [Index]
# Calculate SalTot
SalTot = SalTot + Sal[Index]
# Increase Index
Index = Index + 1
# Calculate and output AVG
SalAVG = SalTot / Index
print("The average salary is $", SalAVG)
# Call and output Maximum
print("The highest paid employee is ", EmpName, " With a salary of $")
# Call and output Minimum
global Temp
global Switch
print("The Lowest paid employee is ", EmpName, " With a salary of $")
# Arrays
# EmployeeNames array
def EmployeeNames():
# Bind global parts
global Name
global Index
# Run EmployeeNames
Name[EmpNum] = str(input("Enter employee name here: "))
# EmployeeNumbers Array
def EmployeeNumbers():
#Bind Global parts
global Sal
#Run EmployeeNumbers
Sal[Index] = float(input("Enter Employee salary here: "))
if Sal[EmpNum] > 200000:
print("Please enter lower salary")
Sal[EmpNum] = float(input("Enter Employee salary here: "))
if Sal[EmpNum] < 0:
print("Please enter positive number")
Sal[EmpNum] = float(input("Enter Employee salary here: "))
# Maximum array
def Maximum():
# Bind global parts
global Temp
global Switch
global Name
Index = 1
Temp = 0
Switch = 1
while Switch > 0:
Index = 1
if Sal[Index] > Sal[Index + 1]:
# Call NameSwitch
global TempName
global Name
Temp = Sal[Index]
Sal[Index] = Sal[Index + 1]
Sal[Index + 1] = Temp
Switch = Switch + 1
Index = Index + 1
Switch = 1
# Minimum array
def Minimum():
# Bind global parts
global Temp
global Switch
global Name
Index = 1
Temp = 0
Switch = 1
while Switch > 0:
Index = 1
if Sal[Index] < Sal[Index + 1]:
# Call NameSwitch
global TempName
global Name
Temp = Sal[Index]
Sal[Index] = Sal[Index + 1]
Sal[Index + 1] = Temp
Switch = Switch + 1
Index = Index + 1
Switch = 1
# NameSwitch array
def NameSwitch():
#Bind global parts
global TempName
global Name
TempName = ""
TempName = Name[Index]
Name[Index] = Name[Index + 1]
Name[Index + 1] = TempName