
我想出的问题是 10/11 选项没有问题,如果您查看了另一个选项然后尝试输入它,我提出的最后一个选项会出现越界异常。如果首先输入第 11 个选项,那么它可以正常工作,如果您查看其他选项,则关闭选项页面并返回查看第 11 个选项,它也可以正常工作。


-(void)TBSortOut {
    [app.TBArray removeAllObjects];
    NSLog(@"this is running");
      for (int i = 200; i < app.listArray.count; i++) {
          theList = [app.listArray objectAtIndex:i];
          if ([theList.course rangeOfString:@"Time Based Art & Digital Film" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSNotFound) {
            [self sortOutArray];
            [app.TBArray addObject:theList];
            theList = nil;

接下来是我的 masterViewController 中的代码部分,它对表格中的单元格进行排序,我认为我的问题是:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView1 cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
  theList = NULL;
  static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
  UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView1 dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath];

  if (cell == nil) {
    cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
    cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;

    cell.shouldIndentWhileEditing = NO;
   //selecting which array to display within the tableview
   if (app.courseChoice == 11) {
     theList = [app.TBArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 1) {
     theList = [app.AniArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 2) {
     theList = [app.APCPArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 3) {
     theList = [app.DIXDArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 4) {
     theList = [app.FAArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 5) {
     theList = [app.GDArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 6) {
     theList = [app.ILLArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 7) {
     theList = [app.IEDArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice ==  {
     theList = [app.JEWArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 9) {
     theList = [app.PROArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
   } else if (app.courseChoice == 10) {
     theList = [app.TEXArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

   //sets name of the cell and the type of indicator used within the cell(arrow)
   cell.textLabel.text = theList.fullname;
   cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;

   return cell;
 @catch(NSException *e){
   NSLog(@"catching %@ reason %@", [e name], [e reason]);

try catch 正在打印的错误是:

catching NSRangeException reason *** - [_NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 10 beyond bounds [0 .. 9]




2013-04-30 15:23:14.985 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] AniArray amount 17
2013-04-30 15:23:14.986 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] APCPArray amount 6
2013-04-30 15:23:14.987 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] DIXDArray amount 5
2013-04-30 15:23:14.987 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] FAArray amount 65
2013-04-30 15:23:14.988 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] GDArray amount 17
2013-04-30 15:23:14.989 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] ILLArray amount 19
2013-04-30 15:23:14.990 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] IEDArray amount 23
2013-04-30 15:23:14.990 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] JEWArray amount 20
2013-04-30 15:23:14.991 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] PROArray amount 26
2013-04-30 15:23:14.992 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] TEXArray amount 26
2013-04-30 15:23:14.992 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] TBArray amount 10

2013-04-30 15:24:31.819 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)AniArray amount 17
2013-04-30 15:24:31.820 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)APCPArray amount 6
2013-04-30 15:24:31.820 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)DIXDArray amount 5
2013-04-30 15:24:31.821 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)FAArray amount 65
2013-04-30 15:24:31.821 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)GDArray amount 17
2013-04-30 15:24:31.822 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)ILLArray amount 19
2013-04-30 15:24:31.823 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)IEDArray amount 23
2013-04-30 15:24:31.823 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)JEWArray amount 20
2013-04-30 15:24:31.824 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)PROArray amount 26
2013-04-30 15:24:31.824 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)TEXArray amount 26
2013-04-30 15:24:31.825 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)TBArray amount 10
2013-04-30 15:24:31.829 Degree Show 2013[5665:907] (m)course choice = 11

编辑2:一些发展,我在@finally之后添加了一个try/catch,它正在停止崩溃,但导致一些额外的单元格出现在最终视图中,这个数字实际上似乎是您访问的前一个数组中的对象数。还应该提到的是,所有这些测试都是在 iPhone 5 上完成的,我刚刚在 iPhone 4 上进行过测试,一切正常。新 iphone 处理的桌子与以前的 iphone 处理的桌子不同吗?


1 回答 1


我认为您无法使用当前拥有的代码真正解决此问题。我最好的猜测是您正在更改 tableView 正在显示的数据正在数据源和委托调用之间发生变化。

我要做的是创建 tableView 从中显示的单个数组,而不是执行巨大的 if/else 块。在设置 app.courseChoice 值的代码中,将新的 tableView 数据数组设置为正确的数组,然后告诉 tableView 重新加载。


    app.courseChoice = [sender selectedIndex];
    if (app.courseChoice == 11) {
      self.theList = [app.TBArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    } else if (app.courseChoice == 1) {
      self.theList = [app.AniArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    } // ...

    [self.tableView reloadData];
于 2013-05-02T00:39:06.057 回答