我正在尝试实现一个资源处理程序类,该类将资源(字符串,存储在数组中)分配给多个客户端,这些客户端可以尝试获取一组资源的锁并通过 lock 方法给出的 ID 解锁它们。
我正在尝试使用公平的 ReentrantReadWriteLock-s,每个资源一个。
public class ResHandler {
//ID-s of the granted resource lists
private static long lockNum = 0;
//Resources are identified by strings, each client has a list of demanded resources
//we store these when granted, along with an ID
private static ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Set<String>> usedResources
= new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Set<String>>();
//We store a lock for each resource
private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReentrantReadWriteLock> resources
= new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReentrantReadWriteLock>();
//Filling our resources map with the resources and their locks
static {
for (int i = 0; i < SharedValues.RESOURCE_LIST.length; ++i) {
String res = SharedValues.RESOURCE_LIST[i];
//Fair reentrant lock
ReentrantReadWriteLock lc = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
resources.put(res, lc);
//We get a set of the required resources and the type of lock we have to use
public static long getLock(Set<String> mNeededRes, boolean mMethod) {
if (mMethod == SharedValues.READ_METHOD) {
//We try to get the required resources
for (String mn : mNeededRes)
//After grandted, we put them in the usedResources map
usedResources.put(lockNum, mNeededRes);
return lockNum;
//Same thing, but with write locks
else {
for (String mn : mNeededRes)
usedResources.put(lockNum, mNeededRes);
return lockNum;
//Releasing a set of locks by the set's ID
public static void releaseLock(long mLockID) {
if (!usedResources.containsKey(mLockID)) {
System.out.println("returned, no such key as: " + mLockID);
Set<String> toBeReleased = usedResources.get(mLockID);
//Unlocking every lock from this set
for (String s : toBeReleased) {
if (resources.get(s).isWriteLockedByCurrentThread())
//Deleting from the map