I've created these two functions and added them into an action listener within a button . The aim is to create a serialized file and write what is in the Jlist to the file. When the program is closed , the jlist should be populated with what is in the serialized file. For some reason it isn't working. Can anyone see what is wrong?
Here is the code:
JButton btnAdd = new JButton("Add"); // Setting what is written on the button
btnAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // implementing an action listener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
patientname = textField.getText(); // Getting the patient name from the textfield
patientaddress = textField_1.getText();
patientphone = textField_2.getText();
textField.setText(""); // Setting the textfield to be blank so that the user can input there name address etc..
patientid = patientid + 1;//Implementing the id to add 1 every time another id is added
Patient patient = new Patient(patientname, patientaddress, patientphone, patientid); // Populating the array list patientlist with the users input
patientList.add(patient); // Adding the patient's details to the patientlist
patientListModel.addElement(patient); // adds the patient's details to the list model
public void onSave(List<Patient> PatientList) {
ObjectOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("PatientList.ser")));
catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
public List<Patient> onLoad() {
ObjectInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("PatientList.ser")));
return (List<Patient>) in.readObject();
catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// handle exception
finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
return null;
btnAdd.setBounds(0, 86, 65, 23);
Here is my patient class :
public class Patient {
public String patientName;
public String patientAddress;
public String patientPhone;
public int patientID;
public Patient(String patientname, String patientaddress, String patientphone,int patientid){
patientName = patientname;
patientAddress = patientaddress;
patientPhone = patientphone;
patientID = patientid;
public String setName(String patientname){
return patientName = patientname;
public String getName(){
return patientName;
public String setAddress(String patientaddress){
return patientAddress = patientaddress;
public String getAddress(){
return patientAddress;
public String setPhoneNum(String patientphone){
return patientPhone = patientphone;
public String getPhoneNum(){
return patientPhone;
public int setID(int patientid){
return patientID = patientid;
public int getID(){
return patientID;
public String toString() { // Printing the patient's details to the scroll pane
return "Patient Name: " + patientName + ", PatientAddress: "
+ patientAddress + ", PatientPhone: " + patientPhone
+ ", patientID: " + patientID +"" ;