我只使用 C++ 大约 6 个月,所以对于我在代码中犯的任何愚蠢错误,我深表歉意。


要搜索的序列存储在一个称为 snortRules 的向量中,其中 snortRules 向量的每个索引都是存储为整数向量的单个序列。



101521 #655
101816 #656    <--This output is correct
101816 #657    <--This output is wrong and should have offset 101865 
101893 #658    <--This output is correct
101893 #659    <--This output is wrong and should have offset 102084
102105 #660
102325 #661
102378 #662

我认为我的问题是我没有使用 streambuf 的 pubseekoff 正确获得偏移量。


fstream binFS(binName, ios::in | ios::binary); //create stream 
streambuf* binBuff = binFS.rdbuf(); //create streambuf from filestream
int currentChar; //ascii code of current character from binary file
streamsize offset; //location of first character of rule in binary file
{ //until the end of binary file
    for(unsigned i=0; i<snortRules.size(); ++i)
    {//start by finding the begining of current rule    
        { //check binBuff until first char of first rule is found.
            currentChar = binBuff->sgetc();
            if( snortRules[i][0] == currentChar )//binBuff->sgetc() ) //compare short rule 1st char to curtent position 
            { //match save offset and compare rest of rule
                offset = binBuff->pubseekoff(0,ios::cur); //set the offset to current postion
                bool checkNext = true; //bool to break loop when checking rules if not matching
                for(unsigned srIdx=0; srIdx < snortRules[i].size() && checkNext == true; ++srIdx)
                { //loop through current rule comparing characters                        
                    if(snortRules[i][srIdx] == currentChar)
                    { //match check if end of rule or advance character to compare to next in rule
                        if( srIdx == snortRules[i].size()-1)
                        { //match write the offset of fist character of rule and which was matched
                            std::cout<<offset<<" #"<<i+1<<endl; //write to console for debugging purposes will write to text file when working
                            ++i; //increment rule to next when exact match found
                        { //not at the end of the rule so continue to compare next characters
                            currentChar = binBuff->snextc(); //set currentChar to next char to be checked by for loop
                    { //no match break out and continue 
                        checkNext == false; //set flag to break for loop because characters didnt match
            { //no match check next character in binBuff
                //offset = binBuff->pubseekoff (0,binFS.cur, binFS.in); //set the offset to current postion
                currentChar = binBuff->snextc(); //get next char in binBuff
                //offset = binBuff->pubseekoff (0,binFS.cur, binFS.in); //set the offset to current postion
        }while( currentChar != streambuf::traits_type::eof() ); //stop checking if end of file reached
}while( binBuff->snextc() != streambuf::traits_type::eof() ); //stop checking if end of file reached

我试图在 stackoverflow.com 和 cplusplus.com 上找到 pubseekoff 的文档和示例,但我能找到的对我来说没有多大意义,老实说,我不是 100% 确定这是我的问题......



1 回答 1



checkNext == false;


checkNext = false;


我忽略了 Visual Studio 中编译器发出的警告,追了几个小时,现在我觉得自己像个傻瓜。

因此,如果您需要相关的 streambuf 示例,这可能会有所帮助。如果您遇到一些没有任何意义的随机运行时错误,请检查警告。

于 2013-04-27T14:08:39.833 回答