这是我创建的一个类,用于处理我正在处理的项目中的“自动攻击”。它工作得很好(它接近每秒 1 次攻击,而不是 2 次那么公平,并且由于某种原因 3 和更大的攻击非常准确)有没有更有效的方法来处理这个问题?
import time
import random
### your critical percentage
critStat = 20
### enemy block percentage
eBlockchance = 12
### your hit percentage
hitStat = 90
### Your attack speed is X/second. (ie. 2.4 would be 2.4 attacks per second)
atkSpeed = 1
### This works perfectly, probably a better way though.
def atkInterval(atkSpeed):
"""Sets the attack interval to 1 second divided by the attack speed"""
start = time.time()
end = 0
while end <= 1/atkSpeed :
end = time.time()- start
### Change parameters to the real algorithm
def atkDamage(strength, defense):
"""computes damage as strength - defense"""
base = strength - defense
damage = random.randint(base/2, base) ## Raised an arror when not divisible by 2
if hitChance(hitStat) == False:
return 0
if enemyBlock(eBlockchance) == True:
return 0
if critChance(critStat) == True:
print(int(damage*1.5), "Crit!")
return int(damage * 1.5)
return damage
### Critical Strike chance takes a whole number
def critChance(critStat):
"""If your crit chance is higher than random 1-100 returns true or false"""
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= critStat:
return True
return False
### Block chance is the same as crit
def enemyBlock(eBlockchance):
"""If enemy crit chance is higher than random 1-100 return true or false"""
chance = random.randint(1,100)
if chance <= eBlockchance:
return True
return False
### Hit percentage
def hitChance(hitStat):
"""if hit chance is higher than random 1-100 return true/false"""
chance = random.randint(1,100)
if chance > hitStat:
return False
return True
### The main function sets enemy health to 1000 and loops damage until health < 0.
def main():
health = 1000
numAttacks = 0
start = time.time()
while health > 0:
health -= atkDamage(100,0)
print("Health remaining:", health)
end = time.time() - start
print("It took", numAttacks, "attacks and", end, "Seconds")