所以我已经达到了我的 sql 能力的绝对极限,我无法终生结合这两个查询,首先这是我的数据库的样子
当前 - 表
ID - Unique identifier for device (Int)
Location -Unique identifier for name of area (VarChar)
Status - The current status of the device (VarChar )
Time - DateTime of when the last connection was made to the device (DateTime)
CID (Sorta unused, just as an AI field to store multiple old bits of data uniquely) (Int)
ID - Unique identifier for device (Int)
Location --Unique identifier for name of area (VarChar)
Status - The current status of the device (VarChar )
Time -- DateTime of when the last connection was made to the device (DateTime)
SELECT *, if(HOUR(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), TIME)) >=1, 1, 0) as OlderThanAnHour
FROM Current
WHERE Location like "MyLocation"
查询 2:
SELECT ID, min(time), (abs(timestampdiff(HOUR,NOW(),TIME))/count(*)*100) as percentage
from Historical
where LOCATION like "MyLocation"
group by ID