I have a scrollview with paging enabled. This scrollview contains 3 equally sized inner scrollviews, and each inner scrollview contains an imageview.
I want to use the outer scrollview for paging through the three inner scrollviews, sort of like photos app. The inner scrollviews are for allowing to zoom into the imageview using the default pinch gesture.
So, I want it to be a photo browser that pages through photos, while I should be able to zoom any photo using pinch gesture.
But, swiping left or right does not do anything, which I expected will page through the three views. When I try pinch zooming, the first inner scrollview zooms in its uiimageview, and any horizontal or vertical scroll actions take place within that scrollview itself, I cannot page to the next inner scrollview.
How do I accomplish it?


1 回答 1


实际上有一个教程:https ://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/PhotoScroller/Introduction/Intro.html

于 2013-05-23T18:28:48.380 回答