我一直在尝试找到一个解决方案,无论是宏还是简单的解决方案,以在 powerpoint 演示文稿中创建和格式化图表。到目前为止,我找不到任何可以解决我的问题的东西。这个想法是从一个相当大的 excel 文件中获取数据,然后在几个 powerpoint 幻灯片上创建几个图表。也就是说,一个大的excel文件和10张powerpoint幻灯片,每张幻灯片上有8个单独的图表。我试过这个: http: //mahipalreddy.com/vba.htm#ppgraph,但这根本没有帮助。



2 回答 2



  1. 最初使用插入图表在 PPT 中设置图表。
  2. 然后从 VBA 中,为每个图表从 Excel 源文件中收集数据并将数据存储在array变量中。
  3. 使用这些变量来更新图表的系列数据(或者更新 powerpoint 图表的嵌入式工作表.ChartData)。

还有其他方法,例如使用 OLEObjects 链接/嵌入,但坦率地说,这些方法使用起来很痛苦,并且如果文件位于共享驱动器上,如果它们被移动或重命名等,可能会造成问题。


这将需要您进行大量修改 - 例如,这仅配置为 1 张幻灯片上的 1 个图表,我不知道您在 Excel 中的数据是如何排列的,所以我只是输入了一些虚拟代码来展示如何我会从 Excel 中捕获一些值,您显然需要使用大量代码对其进行微调,以便它足够动态以处理所有图表(如果您的数据组织良好,这可以很容易地完成,并且您了解 Excel VBA 的方式)。

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub GetChartDataFromXLS()
Dim wbFileName As String '## full filename & path of the Excel file.'
Dim oXL As Object
Dim xlWB As Object
Dim xlWS As Object
Dim cl As Object
Dim c As Long
Dim shp As Shape
Dim cht As Chart
Dim srs As Series
Dim x As Long
Dim sArray() As Variant '## temporary array for each series, will be stored in chtData array.'
Dim chtData() As Variant '## I would use this array to store several arrays from the Excel file.'
Dim s As Long

wbFileName = "C:\users\david_zemens\desktop\dummy chart data.xlsx"

Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oXL.Visible = True

Set xlWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open(wbFileName)

'## iterate over the shapes in the slide.'
For Each shp In ActivePresentation.Windows(1).Selection.SlideRange(1).Shapes
    '## check to see if this shape is a chart.'
    If shp.HasChart Then
        '## set the chart variable.'
        Set cht = shp.Chart

        '## clear out any existing series data in the chart'
        For s = cht.SeriesCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
            Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection(s)

        '##Your code to get the chtData will go in this block:'
        Set xlWS = xlWB.Sheets(1) ' ##Modify to get the correct sheet where the data for this chart resides'
        '## It will probably be something like this, which '
        '   iterates over some columns and collects data in to a series'
        '   of arrays, stored within chtData array '

        For x = 1 To 3 'However Many Series you need to add:'
            'Assuming data series begins in column A, etc...'
            c = 1
            For Each cl In xlWS.Range("A1:A10").Offset(0, x - 1)
                ReDim Preserve sArray(c)
                sArray(c) = cl.Value
                c = c + 1

            'ReDim Preserve the chtData array
            ReDim Preserve chtData(x)
            chtData(x) = sArray

        Next x
        '## End collection of the chart data.

        '## Expose the data sheet but minimize it to preserve updating
        cht.ChartData.Workbook.Application.WindowState = -4140

        '## Now, take that data and insert it to the chart
        If LBound(chtData) >= 1 Then
            For s = LBound(chtData) To UBound(chtData)
                '## Add a new series to the chart
                Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
                    srs.Values = chtData(s)  '## Modify this line to point at the appropriate array from chtData'
                    'manipulate the other series properties here '
                    'srs.Name = "whatever the series name"  '
                    'srs.XValues = "whatever the series value"   '
                    '# etc...
                    '# etc...
            Next 'Next series...
        End If

        '## Close the chartdata sheet.
    End If

On Error Resume Next
Set oXL = Nothing
Set xlWB = Nothing
Set xlWS = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


于 2013-04-28T14:12:34.460 回答

另一种方法是使用免费的 PowerPoint 图表插件,名为 oomfo @ http://oomfo.com

使用 oomfo,您可以构建连接到实时 Excel 工作表的图表。构建连接到 Excel 数据源的图表后,每当更新 Excel 工作表并查看演示文稿时,图表都会自动提取最新数据。您只需要确保 PowerPoint 应该有权访问该 Excel 文件(本地或远程)。

Excel 数据源文档的链接位于http://docs.oomfo.com/charts/1.0/contents/chart_data/data_excel.html

于 2013-04-29T08:34:38.463 回答