Recently I've been using in an attempt to learn F# in my spare time.
There's loads of really good examples on which I've been looking at for inspiration.
Lots of the UI examples have code such as:
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
// Run the application (in compiled application)
Unfortunately when I load these into I get compilation errors on the open System.Drawing.
Is there something I'm missing that would enable these examples to work? An example FSharp script is here:
If you click on the button it'll load in the browser but it will show compilation errors.
--- EDIT ---
As pointed out below it's not expected for System.Drawing to be available within the browser. However I also have issues with the namespaces System.Windows etc.
For instance
open System.Windows
fails with "The namespace 'Windows' is not defined"
Tried in both IE10 and Google Chrome.
--- END EDIT ---