Is try catch the only way to catch PDO errors to check if a sql performed? Early on, I used to do like below. I don't need the error message, error names etc. Just a true or false. If the sql worked or not. Can this be done in some other way other than using try catch.
$createUser = (insert into table (someCol) values (someVal));
$exeCreateUser = mysql_query($createUser);
{ //The SQL query worked well
echo 'All went on well';
//The SQL query failed!
echo 'Failed';
$sql = 'insert into names (names) values (:what)';
$what = "This value";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':what', $what, PDO::PARAM_STR, 5);
Can I do something like I used to do before, instead of using try catch?