我有一个生成下表的 sql 查询,但我希望能够获得按类别分组的标记列的总数: 在此处输入图像描述


select pic.Name as Category,
pis.Code as Code,
pis.Name as Issue,
count(it.ID) as  'total count',
sum(mc.ots) as 'Imps',
sum(case when ito.rating <50 then 1 else 0 end) as 'unfav count',
sum(case when ito.Rating =50  then 1 else 0 end) as 'neu count',
sum(case when ito.Rating >50  then 1 else 0 end) as 'fav count',

(sum(case when ito.rating < 50 then 1.0 else 0.0 end) / count(it.ID) * 100) as 'unfav %',
(sum(case when ito.Rating =50  then 1.0 else 0.0 end) / count(it.ID) * 100) as 'neu %',
(sum(case when ito.Rating >50  then 1.0 else 0.0 end) / count(it.ID) * 100) as 'fav %',

CONVERT(decimal(4,2),avg(ito.Rating)) as 'Av Rating %',

count(it.id) * 100.0 / sum(count(it.ID)) OVER () AS [% of Count],
sum(mc.ots) * 100.0 / sum(sum(mc.ots)) OVER () AS [% Imps]

Profiles P 
INNER JOIN ProfileResults PR ON P.ID = PR.ProfileID
INNER JOIN Items it ON PR.ItemID = It.ID
inner join Batches b on b.ID=it.BatchID
left outer join BatchActionHistory bah on b.ID=bah.batchid
inner join itemorganisations oit (nolock) on it.id=oit.itemid
inner join itemorganisations ito (nolock) on it.id=ito.itemid
inner join itemorganisationIssues ioi (nolock) on ito.id=ioi.itemorganisationid
inner join ProjectIssues pis (nolock)on ioi.IssueID = pis.ID
inner join ProjectIssueCategories pic (nolock)on pic.ID = pis.CategoryID
inner join Lookup_ItemStatus lis (nolock) on lis.ID = it.StatusID
inner join Lookup_BatchStatus lbs (nolock) on lbs.ID = b.StatusID
inner join Lookup_BatchTypes bt on bt.id = b.Typeid
inner join Lookup_MediaChannels mc on mc.id = it.MediaChannelID

where p.ID = @profileID 
and b.StatusID IN (6,7)
and bah.BatchActionID = 6
and it.StatusID = 2
and it.IsRelevant = 1

Group BY pic.Name,pis.Name,pis.Code
order by pic.name

2 回答 2


您可以使用sum()windows 功能执行此操作。您实际上可以使用常规聚合函数嵌套它。所以:

sum(count(it.ID)) over () as TotalCnt,
sum(sum(mc.ots)) over () as TotalImps

这假定您使用的是 SQL Server 2005 或更高版本。

这适用于“整列”。对于子组,例如由类别定义的子组,同样的想法也成立(正如 Alexander 所指出的):

    sum(count(it.ID)) over (partition by category) as CategoryCnt, sum(sum(mc.ots)) over (partition by category) as CategoryImps

于 2013-04-26T13:35:49.850 回答

阅读关于WITH ROLLUP子句(或分组集,在更高版本的 sql server 中可用 - 我不知道您使用的是哪一个)。它将按来自GROUP BY(3 列分组依据、2 列分组依据、1 列分组依据和总计)的列组合对您的输出进行分组。然后,您可以在聚合时使用 GROUPING(column_name)=1 来区分分组列。希望这可以帮助。

于 2013-04-26T13:36:38.830 回答