I'm using ASP.Net's drop-down helpers, and they produce HTML like this:

<select id="mySelect" name="mySelect">
    <option>Please Choose</option>
    <option value="1">Name A</option>
    <option value="2">Name B</option>
    <option value="3">Name B</option>

I want to validate that this <select> is not set to the Please Choose <option> in lots of places. Often the text is something other than Please Choose, but the <option value> attribute is always skipped for the default option.

The problem is that if you request the value and it is not set you get the option's text:

// Gets value as 'Please Choose'
var value = $('#mySelect').val();

// Also gets the value as 'Please Choose'
var value = $('#mySelect option:selected').attr('value');

I want a check that returns true only if the <option value> attribute is actually populated.

My best solution to this so far is:

// Check that the value and text of an option are different
var value = $('#mySelect').val();
var selectedOptionText = $('#mySelect option:selected').text();
var check = value  != selectedOptionText;

This doesn't seem very reliable though - if we get an option like <option value="1">1</option> it will never appear to be valid.

Is there any way to check that the <option value> attribute is empty?

I'm using jQuery here but a pure Javascript solution would be good too.


4 回答 4


I have used this:

    if(!$("#mySelect option:selected").is('[value]'))
        console.log('no value');

Working http://jsfiddle.net/5ht7g/

于 2013-04-26T08:27:39.800 回答

Use the option[value] to select only options with attribute value:

var selectedOptionText = $('#mySelect option[value]:selected').text();


于 2013-04-26T08:34:07.657 回答

You can check whether the option has an attribute value :

if($('#mySelect option:selected').attr('value')) { ... }

Note :

Strangely, for this case, with some jQuery versions (it works with v1.9.1), .attr('value') !== [0].value -> the DOM value refers to the text when there is no value, but the attr function returns undefined.

Example : jsFiddle


it looks like $('#mySelect option:selected')[0].getAttribute("value") gives null in almost cases (tested on FF / Chrome / IE8&9). On IE7, it gives an empty string...

于 2013-04-26T08:24:10.280 回答

Why not add a blank value to the default option? Like so:

<option value="">Please Choose</option>

Then you can use this jquery:

if($("select").val() === ''){
    alert('no item chosen');

Demo: fiddle

于 2013-04-26T08:29:27.323 回答