List<Coffee> inventory = new List<Coffee>();
Console.Write("Enter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast ");
string s = Console.ReadLine();
string[] values = s.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Loop
while (!s.ToLower().Equals("q"))
string name = values[0];
string demand = (values[1]);
string cost = (values[2]);
string min = values[3];
float D = CheckDemand(demand);
float C = CheckCost(cost);
float M = CheckMin(min);
Decaf decafCoffee = new Decaf(name, D, C, M);
Console.Write("\nEnter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast: ");
s = Console.ReadLine();
} // End loop
// Display values
Console.WriteLine("\nName \t C ($) Demand \t Detail Q(lbs.) TAC ($) T(weeks) ");
for (int j = 0; j < inventory.Count; j++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", inventory[j].toString());