I am trying to create a stored procedure that will allow me to update the ActualArrivalDate and ActualDepartureDate in a TripStop table where StopTypeCode = Drop in the TripStopOrder table.
Create Proc spUpdateTable
@OrderID int, @ArrivalDate datetime, @DepartureDate datetime
Begin Transaction
Select * From dbo.TripStopOrder
Join dbo.TripStop ON dbo.TripStopOrder.TripStopID = dbo.TripStop.TripStopID
Where OrderID = ''and StopTypeCode ='Drop'
Once I find this record I need to grab the TripStopId and pass it into the Update statement. Not sure how to this...can I use a temp table then run another Select statement to pick up the TripStopID?
Update dbo.TripStop SET ArrivalDate='',DepartureDate=''
Where TripStopID = ''
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ~Newbie~