We are planing to do some visualization for our existing data its a political and news domain.
After doing my initial research I came to conclusion for using R and D3.

My requirement is the tool should be able to give dynamically, since it is web based visualization (Visualization should be able to change upon change in value)

I have following questions and need help in those.

Is there any other tool which I can use. R can be use for dynamic visuals? (My application is in php, python based solution can also be ok)


2 回答 2


然后您需要研究如何在网页上设置基于 R 的服务Rook,或者(更好)如何将 R Shiny 集成到当前应用程序中。Shiny

于 2013-04-25T12:35:45.743 回答

如果您的应用程序(或某些部分)已经在 python 中,您可以使用rpy2作为 和 之间的R桥梁python

于 2013-04-25T12:39:32.917 回答