I'm a little confused about playing videos in the Mirror API

Are there any restrictions for using HTML tags in "html" field?...

Alain says

Blocked HTML elements: These elements, and their contents, are removed from html payloads. Document headers: head, title Embeds: audio, embed, object, source, video

However looking at the documentation ...


Accepted Media MIME types: image/* , audio/* , video/*

So ... I'm guessing that I can attach video but not embed video? Seems like a subtle distinction, so an app would have to have a main HTML card and a sub menu choice to view a video. Is this correct?


1 回答 1


正确的。HTMLvideo元素已从插入的时间线卡片中删除,但您可以附加视频。附加到时间线卡片的视频由 Glass 上的本机播放器全屏播放。

如果您想将视频与其他丰富的内容一起包含,捆绑是您的最佳选择。您可以通过指定 HTML 封面卡和许多具有相同timelineItem.bundleId.

于 2013-04-25T14:28:54.760 回答