我在下面的脚本中使用 imagemagic/ghostscript 来提取 pdf 文件的第一页并将其转换为 jpg 格式,然后我使用 html 表单将 jpg 图片与 pdf 文件和其他信息一起上传到我的 wamp 服务器。但令我惊讶的是,它上传了一些pdf文件并进入确认页面,只有在上传成功时才会激活。但对于某些人来说,它会返回 $err 消息。你能帮帮我吗?

<?php include ('head.php');
    include ('connect.php');

    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

        $pdfDirectory = "pdf/";
        $thumbDirectory = "pdfimage/";

        //get the name of the file
        $filename = basename( $_FILES['pdf']['name'], ".pdf");

        //remove all characters from the file name other than letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores
        $filename = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/", "", $filename).".pdf";

        //name the thumbnail image the same as the pdf file
        $thumb = basename($filename, ".pdf");

                $title=$_POST['title'] ;
                $author= $_POST['author'] ; 
                $pub = $_POST['pub'];               
                $abstract= $_POST['abstract'] ;
                $year= $_POST['year'] ;
                $category= $_POST['cat'] ;  

                    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pdf']['tmp_name'], $pdfDirectory.$filename)){

                        //the path to the PDF file
                        $pdfWithPath = $pdfDirectory.$filename;

                         //add the desired extension to the thumbnail
                        $thumb = $thumb.".jpg";

                        //execute imageMagick's 'convert', setting the color space to RGB and size to 200px wide
                        exec("convert \"{$pdfWithPath}[0]\" -colorspace RGB -background white -geometry 200 -flatten $thumbDirectory$thumb");

                        //show the image
                        //echo "<p><a href=\"$pdfWithPath\"><img src=\"pdfimage/$thumb\" alt=\"\" /></a></p>";

                        $imagez = "pdfimage/$thumb";

                        $query ="INSERT INTO books (title, author, publisher, abstract, year, category, book, bkimage) VALUES ('".$title."', '".$author."', '".$pub."', '".$abstract."', '".$year."', '".$category."', '".$filename."', '".$imagez."')" ;

        $result = mysql_query($query);

        if (!$result) {
            $err = "Could not Add to library at this time";
        } else {




标题 作者 出版商 摘要 年份类别选择...建筑 建筑工程 土木工程 计算机 电气工程 土地测量 综合管理 机械工程 数量测量 其他 上传书    


1 回答 1



$err = "Could not Add to library at this time";


$err = "Could not Add to library at this time. SQL: ".$query;

如果您无法查看问题出在哪里,请连接到 mysql 并运行查询。您应该能够看到mysql错误(我在第一个答案中要求=))。

于 2013-04-25T13:55:56.747 回答