I'm working on a hangman program that also has user accounts objects. The player can log in, create a new account, or view account details, all of which work fine before playing the game. After the game has completed, the user's wins and losses are updated. Before exiting the program, if I try to view the account (the viewAcc function) I get the error:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_username'.
When I run the the program again, I can log in to the account, but when I view the account info the wins and losses haven't been updated. Any help would be appreciated, I have to turn this in for class in about 8 hours.
Heres the class code:
class Account:
def __init__(self, username, password, name, email, win, loss):
self.__username = username
self.__password = password
self.__name = name
self.__email = email
self.__win = int(win)
self.__loss = int(loss)
def set_username (self, username):
self.__username = username
def set_password (self, password):
self.__password = password
def set_name (self, name):
self.__name = name
def set_email (self, email):
self.__email = email
def set_win (self, win):
self.__win = win
def set_loss (self, loss):
self.__loss = loss
def get_username (self):
return self.__username
def get_password (self):
return self.__password
def get_name (self):
return self.__name
def get_email (self):
return self.__email
def get_win (self):
return self.__win
def get_loss (self):
return self.__loss
And here's my program's code:
import random
import os
import Account
import pickle
import sys
#List of images for different for different stages of being hanged
|/ |
| |
|/ |
| |
| (o_o)
|/ |
| |
| (o_o)
| |
| |
|/ |
| |
| (o_o)
| |/
| |
|/ |
| |
| (o_o)
| \|/
| |
|/ |
| |
| (o_o)
| \|/
| |
| /
|/ |
| |
| (X_X)
| \|/
| |
| / \
#used to validate user input
ALPHABET = ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']
#Declares lists of different sized words
fourWords = ['ties', 'shoe', 'wall', 'dime', 'pens', 'lips', 'toys', 'from', 'your', 'will', 'have', 'long', 'clam', 'crow', 'duck', 'dove', 'fish', 'gull', 'fowl', 'frog', 'hare', 'hair', 'hawk', 'deer', 'bull', 'bird', 'bear', 'bass', 'foal', 'moth', 'back', 'baby']
fiveWords = ['jazzy', 'faker', 'alien', 'aline', 'allot', 'alias', 'alert', 'intro', 'inlet', 'erase', 'error', 'onion', 'least', 'liner', 'linen', 'lions', 'loose', 'loner', 'lists', 'nasal', 'lunar', 'louse', 'oasis', 'nurse', 'notes', 'noose', 'otter', 'reset', 'rerun', 'ratio', 'resin', 'reuse', 'retro', 'rinse', 'roast', 'roots', 'saint', 'salad', 'ruins']
sixwords = ['baboon', 'python',]
def main():
#Gets menu choice from user
choice = menu()
#Initializes dictionary of user accounts from file
accDct = loadAcc()
#initializes user's account
user = Account.Account("", "", "", "", 0, 0)
while choice != 0:
if choice == 1:
user = play(user)
if choice == 2:
if choice == 3:
user = logIn(accDct)
if choice == 4:
choice = menu()
#Plays the game
def play(user):
os.system("cls") #Clears screen
hangman = 0 #Used as index for stage view
done = False #Used to signal when game is finished
guessed = [''] #Holds letters already guessed
#Gets the game word lenght from the user
difficulty = int(input("Chose Difficulty/Word Length:\n"\
"1. Easy: Four Letter Word\n"\
"2. Medium: Five Letter Word\n"\
"3. Hard: Six Letter Word\n"\
"Choice: "))
#Validates input
while difficulty < 1 or difficulty > 3:
difficulty = int(input("Invalid menu choice.\n"\
"Reenter Choice(1-3): "))
#Gets a random word from a different list depending on difficulty
if difficulty == 1:
word = random.choice(fourWords)
if difficulty == 2:
word = random.choice(fiveWords)
if difficulty == 3:
word = random.choice(sixWords)
viewWord = list('_'*len(word))
letters = list(word)
while done == False:
for i in range(len(word)):
sys.stdout.write(" ")
print("Guessed Letters: ")
for i in range(len(guessed)):
guess = str(input("Enter guess: "))
guess = guess.lower()
while guess in guessed:
guess = str(input("Already guessed that letter.\n"\
"Enter another guess: "))
while len(guess) != 1:
guess = str(input("Guess must be ONE letter.\n"\
"Enter another guess: "))
while guess not in ALPHABET[0]:
guess = str(input("Guess must be a letter.\n"\
"Enter another guess: "))
if guess not in letters:
for i in range(len(word)):
if guess in letters[i]:
viewWord[i] = guess
guessed += guess
if '_' not in viewWord:
print ("Congratulations! You correctly guessed",word)
done = True
win = user.get_win()
win += 1
username = user.get_username()
password = user.get_password()
name = user.get_name()
email = user.get_email()
loss = user.get_loss()
user = Account.Account(username, password, name, email, win, loss)
if hangman == 6:
print("You couldn't guess the word",word.upper(),"before being hanged.")
print("Sorry, you lose.")
done = True
loss = user.get_loss()
loss += 1
username = user.get_username()
password = user.get_password()
name = user.get_name()
email = user.get_email()
win = user.get_win()
user = Account.Account(username, password, name, email, win, loss)
#Loads user accounts from file
def loadAcc():
iFile = open('userAccounts.txt', 'rb')
accDct = pickle.load(iFile)
except IOError:
accDct = {}
return accDct
#Displays the menu
def menu():
print("Welcome to Karl-Heinz's Hangman")
choice = int(input("1. Play Hangman\n"\
"2. Create Account\n"\
"3. Log In\n"\
"4. View Account Details\n"\
"0. Quit Program\n"\
"Choice: "))
while choice < 0 or choice > 4:
choice = int(input("Invalid Menu Choice.\n"\
"Reenter Choice: "))
return choice
#Logs user in to existing account
def logIn(accDct):
user = Account.Account("","","","",0,0)
username = str(input("Enter Username(case sensitive): "))
if username not in accDct:
print("Account does not exist")
return user
temp = Account.Account("","","","",0,0)
temp = accDct[username]
password = str(input("Enter Password(case sensitive): "))
if password != temp.get_password():
print("Incorrect password.")
return user
user = accDct[username]
return user
#Creates a new account and a new account file if one doesn't exist
def createAcc(accDct):
print("Enter account info:")
username = str(input("UserName: "))
if username in accDct:
print("Account already exists.")
password = str(input("Password: "))
name = str(input("Name: "))
email = str(input("Email: "))
wins = 0
loss = 0
tempuser = Account.Account(username, password, name, email, wins, loss)
accDct[username] = tempuser
print("Account created.")
def viewAcc(user):
print("Account Details: ")
print("Username: ",user.get_username())
print("Name: ",user.get_name())
print("Email: ",user.get_email())
print("Wins: ",user.get_win())
print("Losses: ",user.get_loss())
#Saves accounts dictionary to file
def saveAcc(accDct):
oFile = open("userAccounts.txt", "wb")
pickle.dump(accDct, oFile)
Any help is greatly appreciated.