I have a process where my main thread is reading a file and splitting it into parts. Those parts then require further processing. I would like to utilize any available threads so that the downstream processing is utilizing as much CPU (or as many cores) as possible. I don't want to create an excessive backlog from the main thread, so I need the main thread to wait to add to the queue until there is another available thread.

I see many articles like VB.NET 4.0: Looking to execute multiple threads, but wait until all threads are completed before resuming, but they are waiting for all threads to complete, whereas I just need any threads to be available

Is this something I can tackle with the Task Parallel Library, or should I be manually creating threads and monitoring a threadpool?

Using Reader As New StreamReader(FileName)
        CurrentBlockSize = Reader.ReadBlock(CurrentBuffer, 0, BufferSize)

        RunningBuffer &= New String(CurrentBuffer)

        If RunningBuffer.Contains(RowDelimiter) Then
            LineParts = RunningBuffer.Split(RowDelimiter)

            For I As Integer = 0 To LineParts.Count - 1
                If I < LineParts.Count - 1 Then

                    'Make synchronous call that blocks until' 
                    'another thread is available to process the line'

                    RunningBuffer = LineParts(I)
                End If
        End If

    Loop While CurrentBlockSize = BufferSize
End Using

2 回答 2



Imports System.Threading

Module Module1

    ' I just picked 6 randomly, not sure what is a good strategy for picking this number
    ' also, not sure what is the difference between a Worker Thread and a Completion thread
    Const MaxWorkerThreads As Integer = 6
    Const MaxCompletionPortThreads As Integer = 6

    Sub Main()

        ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(MaxWorkerThreads, MaxCompletionPortThreads)

        Dim availableWorkerThreads As Integer
        Dim availableCompletionPortThreads As Integer

        For i As Integer = 0 To 100

            ' GetAvailableThreads returns results via output parameters
            ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(availableWorkerThreads, availableCompletionPortThreads)

            Dim tries As Integer = 0

            Do While (availableWorkerThreads = 0)
                ' this loop does not execute if there are available threads
                ' you may want to add a fail-safe to check "tries" in case the child threads get stuck
                tries += 1

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("waiting to start item {0}, attempt {1}, available threads: {2}, {3}", i, tries, availableWorkerThreads, availableCompletionPortThreads))

                ' failure to call Sleep will make your program unresponsive

                ' call GetAvailableThreads again for the next test at the top of the loop
                ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(availableWorkerThreads, availableCompletionPortThreads)

            ' this is how you pass parameters to a thread created through QueueUserWorkItem
            Dim parameters As Object() = {i}
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf DoWork, parameters)
            ' According to MSDN, you must Sleep after calling QueueUserWorkItem, or else the current thread will just exit


    End Sub

    Sub DoWork(parameters As Object())
        Dim itemNumber = parameters(0)
        Dim sleepLength = itemNumber * 1000
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Item: {0} - sleeping for {1} miliseconds.", itemNumber, sleepLength))
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Item: {0} - done sleeping.", itemNumber))
    End Sub

End Module
于 2013-04-29T21:55:59.977 回答

我不确定您究竟为什么要这样做,但是您可以通过使用BlockingCollection或带有BoundedCapacityset 的数据流块来实现非常相似的效果。

例如,如果您将容量设置为 1 并且您的消费者此时正忙,那么您将无法将第二个项目添加到队列中,直到其中一个消费者完成其当前工作并将该项目从队列中删除。这两个版本都为您提供了一种等待,直到您可以将另一个项目添加到队列中。

于 2013-04-25T10:01:18.353 回答